‘Big Brother’ Fans Think Show Is Scripted After Elimination

Julie Chen Moonves - YouTube/Big Brother (1)

Big Brother fans are wondering if the reality show is scripted after this week’s elimination. During Thursday’s eviction, viewers were shocked to find out that Angela Murray got to stay. She’s easily become the villain during Season 26 already, and fans are dying to know how she made it through this week. So, is the show scripted? Here’s what we know.

Fans Wonder If Big Brother Is Scripted After This Week’s Eviction

Lisa Weintraub was evicted from the house on the Thursday, August 1 episode. She said that she was absolutely blindsided by the elimination because she plotted against Angela Murray with the other houseguests.

However, after Lisa was sent packing her bags, she sat down with the BB host Julie Chen Moonves. In the interview, Julie suggested that Lisa was knocked off the show early on because she was “too good” at playing the game.

Hearing this, fans took to social media to share their thoughts. “Why’s [Julie] justifying that maybe she’s gone cause she’s the better player? Angela won HOH. I’m SO confused. Is Julie in on it too? Now really wondering if this is in ANY WAY scripted or swayed,” one Big Brother fan questioned on X.

Lisa Weintraub - YouTube/Big Brother
YouTube/Big Brother

Another person said that Julie was “hyping Lisa up way too much.” A third fan wrote, “Lol casuals Lisa was edited because the house found her annoying not because she was good at the game.”

Yet another person pointed out how surprised Lisa was at the elimination. “Lisa is 100% gagged asf in this interview…she did NOT see this coming,” they wrote.

Several fans felt disappointed that Angela Murray wasn’t the one being eliminated this week. Angela has been labeled the house bully after fans saw her mocking Lisa in the Big Brother live feeds.

“This is ridiculousl. @CBSBigBrother what are you doing keeping a bully in the house?” one viewer lamented, to which another viewer replied, “Soft gameplay is boring.”

One person even pointed out how sad Lisa looked during her chat with Julie Chen Moonves. “What a ridiculous eviction,” another agreed.

Viewers Have A Love-Hate Relationship With Angela Murray

Right before her eviction, Lisa Weintraub was positive she had the other houseguests on her side. Unbeknownst to her, they were all conspiring to evict her from the house behind her back.

Overall, Lisa said that “no one was really speaking the truth,” which was hard for her to accept. “Chelsea discussed that the target this week after Kenny won the power of veto was going to be Angela,” she told Julie.

Lisa also spoke about Angela’s behavior in the Big Brother house. She told Julie that Angela was bullying a number of people and “causing chaos” in the house.

Angela Murray - YouTube/Big Brother
YouTube/Big Brother

While some BB fans think Angela’s behavior is awful, others find it funny and entertaining. She is definitely bringing the drama into Season 26 so far.

“I don’t CARE BB better do everything under the Sun and the MOON to keep Angela,” one fan reacted to a clip of Angela mocking Lisa. “I’m riding with Angela this season. No one else. I DON’T CARE.”

“I love it when people aren’t afraid to antagonize and fight it makes me happy,”  another Angela supporter wrote. “Can they pls not vote her out this week,” begged a third viewer.

Big Brother airs on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 9 p.m. on CBS.

Amanda Blankenship


  1. The bullying first started back in 2016 when the houseguests bullied out a military vet & one of the houseguests would pound pan lids. Ever since then there’s been a bully who’s labeled a “villain”. Before 2016 the “bully” would be called into the diary room & chewed out by the producers or even removed from the house. Something changed in 2016 perhaps a president that made bullying ok?

      1. Because Big Brother went woke, I and two other family members quit watching Big Brother three or four years ago. I had never missed an episode up until I quit watching. Blaming trump for bullying is typical of what the media and journalist do!

  2. There is no reason for someone to bully individuals on a show. Does Big Brother need someone on the show to bully people for ratings?

  3. I definatly think she was put in BB house, how they haven’t gotten her out with all the wacko things she has done is crazy, and it’s because a lot of people have been complaining that it’s boring, the only thing is nobody is playing there own game once again, can’t wait to see someone just stand up on there own and play there own game, smh

  4. If what Angela is doing is bullying, what Dick Donato did in season 8 was outright abuse! And he won the game! Yes I know America’s Player had a lot to do with that. But, still. . .

  5. Sad that a woman of her age should resort to calling names and mimicking others. She insulted and degraded both players. Noone should be able to remain in the house with such behavior.

    1. Julie always says at the end love one another but she let’s Angela bully people. I think the show is being scripted

  6. we have to remember that when a player goes to the diary room, they get manipulated by the producers. The players then go with it on their own. Hey, for 1000 bucks a week, I would be a puppet too.

  7. I read an article of an interview with her employer. She is in the real estate business. Her employer indicated that is not her. She is normally a very nice and caring person. Big Brother should be ashamed of themselves. Its scripted and getting boring because it is.

  8. Total bs big brother. No longer a fan. Fk u and the bullying asshole plant Angela. Her family must be proud OR protected from her. Not sure which

    1. Screw this BS FAKE scripted break of a show. Tired of every week that bully of a crazy woman, Angela gets out up and then some looney toon takes her off and lets her make it another week. Sick of her crying and whining to get her way as well. Makes it BORING to be able to see that we are being duped by this scripted fake drama. She’s probably even being told to act that way for ratings. I’m through with the show. Take your sorry a$$ed joke of reality and shove it.

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