‘90 Day Fiance’ Spinoff Sparks Lawsuit Drama

Elizabeth Castravet, Andrei Castravet, Natalie Mordovtseva, Angela Deem, Michael Ilesanmi-YouTube

A new potential 90 Day Fiance spinoff has sparked lawsuit drama but what and who is causing all of the problems? More so, what will the new show be about and who will be joining in on the fun? Finally, is there a particular cast member involved in the suit? Keep reading for all of the details on the situation.

90 Day Fiance Spinoff Sparks Lawsuit Drama

There are a plethora of 90 Day Fiance spinoffs so why not add another to the mix? A new one has come out and it is allegedly entitled 90 Day House. Ten “fan favorites” from the hit TLC series will live under one roof alongside everyday people and see how they coexist. According to @shabootydotcom, it will have a MILF Manor style to it and some of the cast has been set. It will include Tim Malcolm, Tiffany Franco, and Asuelu Pulaa along with seven others.

90 Day Fiance: Tim Malcolm
Tim Malcolm-YouTube

This was just done in the recent Happily Ever After? tell-all as the cast had to stay together in a mansion. It forced them to deal with their personal issues and disdain toward their co-stars. Some had not even met but had so much anger toward each other just from what they saw on television. It was all unleashed and they had nowhere to go but the tell-all stage. Now, this trapped in a house concept will be a full-on show but was it TLC’s idea? Not according to Statler Riley.


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She is maintaining that this was a concept that she had come up with before and now TLC is capitalizing on it. Per In Touch Weekly, Statler shared some information via her Instagram stories and has maintained this is her idea. After she reposted Shanbooty’s breakdown of 90 Day House, Statler added this:

“Looks like I’ll officially be filing a lawsuit for them using my stolen idea.” 

It appears Statler is very serious about bringing about a lawsuit for her poached idea:

“I’m not kidding. Luckily I’ve had enough coaching to prove that this was my idea that I presented to them 1.5 years ago. The fact that Sharp Entertainment/90 Day have used my idea w/out giving me credit or paying me is a breach of intellectual property and I’m ready to prove it. This company is so devoid of a moral backbone and my lawyers and I have been waiting to prepare this case.”

Statler Riley-YouTube
Statler Riley-YouTube

In the end, Statler has a plan and she is hopeful that she can get her 90 Day Fiance followers on her side.

Statler Is Launching Her Own Show

As part of her Instagram Story rant about the legality of everything, Statler Riley tried to appeal to her 90 Day Fiance following. She asked them if they would not watch 90 Day House if she did her own version of the show. Apparently, some cast members are interested in joining Statler in renting a home for a month. They will then livestream the raw living experience for fans to watch:

“We will have cast members whose NDAs have run out and are chomping at the bit to reveal all the dirty deets. (As well as cast members who are under their NDA but no longer give AF) b/c why play clean against a dirty company?”

Statler finally sealed the deal by slamming the production company by adding it is amazing what people will do when you really traumatize them:

“It turns out, Sharp, when you manipulate good people into looking bad, ruin their reputations, pay them jack s–t and then leave them out to dry w/ no mental health support and a s–t ton of ppl who publicly hate them and loudly say it, they get pretty pissed! Who knew lol.”

Honestly, it might be fun to have both editions, TLC’s and Statler’s so fans can compare and contrast. Yet, Statler seems ready and raring to take the network to court and let them know this was her idea.

Do you think she stands a chance of winning or is this a lost cause? Finally, which version would you rather watch? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren


  1. I often wondered what happened to many of the cast members when the show was done. I feel some of their cast members don’t deserve the negative onslaught they are receiving. Pedro in particular. The Family Chantel made the Franchise a pretty penny for sure…and I send them all my best wishes. Witnessing their love and pain was real. I don’t think any of the cast members should be demonized and trashed after they allowed to be filmed constantly, having an effect on their privacy and lives.

  2. I think 90 Day should definitely do this show idea! Kinda like big brother but not all the games and voting out people. I don’t think I’d watch if it involves statlor or Angela, they both are to verbally abusive and physical abuse! But besides that I’d love to have this house of 90 day fiancé and would also enjoy being on the show ( wink )

    1. I agree 200% that Angela is verbally abusive. She needs SERIOUS help! Especially after seeing her behavior on HAA Tell All and it is just getting started. It wouldn’t surprise me if she isn’t physically abusive when the camera is off. I’m sure the only reason TLC keeps bringing her back is for the drama she causes and stirs up crap whenever possible. I don’t see Statler being verbally abusive, she just want to be the center of attention all the time. I do feel that Jasmine is very cruel/verbally abusive to Gino when she doesn’t get what she wants. They should have never gotten married. Don’t even get me started about Ed.

  3. Stapler always wants to be center of attention…in reality the “Statler/Dempsey ” storyline is kinda boring…how hum

    1. Totally agree. personally I cringe whenever she gets screen time. She is a wanna be comedian. Problem is she is not funny nor very likable.

    2. I agree everything has to be her ideal but good news for her she wrong most of the time and she wrong this time

  4. So, just an observation but if your idea for a “new show” is to essentially replicate another show this isn’t “your idea for a show” – DUH!!! Lawsuit- puhlease!

    1. i love to have a spin off of 90 day Fiance, I’d love to see Michael , But not his big mouth Wife. I stopped watching when She damaged Michael’s. Car if she is on the spin off you can count me out .. That’s My 2 Cents

  5. she’s a looney tune. get her off the show. she is a train wreck waiting to happen. in other words she is a total a hole

  6. Meh, I feel she knew she was getting into an uncomfortable situation that she really never wanted. When it came down to her leaving the US O feel she was too obligated to change anything and is the only reason she went. She’s mad at herself for losing her own lifestyle and this is a way to get money back. I have no doubt she may have recommended the style for the new show and should have received some compensation. Now she’s gonna get a crap ton of money that she doesn’t deserve. BUT of course I’ll watch the dueling drama.

    1. Money for what? Suggesting a show that has already been done on other networks? She didn’t come up with an original idea. TLC started doing Pillow Talk episodes that brought cast members together in the same house. Then they decided to do a 2 day Tell All. This time, they decided to put them all in one house like old style Real World or MTV’s the Challenge.

      Producers probably just smiled and nodded because they already had this in the works.

  7. Not interested in anything concerning Statler and Dempsey, has to be the most boring couple I’ve seen, could’ve split time given to Statler on other couples. I’ll stick with 90 Day.

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