‘Bringing Up Bates’ Carlin Bates Confuses Fans In Unexpected Reveal

Carlin Bates From Bringing Up Bates, Sourced From The Stewart Fam YouTube

Bringing Up Bates star Carlin Bates Stewart is one of Gil and Kelly Jo’s most active daughters on social media. She likes to share her life as a mother to Layla and Zade. Many of her posts are about their fun trips and other activities with the Bates family. Carlin has also expressed her desire to have a third child. But many Redditors were caught off-guard by her latest vlog, making them think she’s utilizing the discussions about her future pregnancy. Keep reading to see why many got confused.

Bringing Up Bates: Carlin Bates Gets Criticized For Bringing Kids To Golf

Carlin recently took to YouTube to share a vlog featuring her family’s activity at a golf course. The Bringing Up Bates star brought her kids to the game along with some of her siblings, who also brought their kids. According to some, Carlin just put her kids’ lives in danger by making them play around the field where they could get hit by a golf ball. The ninth Bates child didn’t acknowledge the criticism she received. However, Evan’s wife continues to confuse fans with her YouTube content.

Carlin Bates From Bringing Up Bates, Sourced From The Stewart Fam YouTube
Carlin Bates From Bringing Up Bates, Sourced From The Stewart Fam YouTube

Carlin Confuses Fans In Unexpected Reveal

Some Redditors discussed Carlin’s latest vlog with a thumbnail of her and Evan holding a pregnancy test box. This made many fans click on the video to see if the Bringing Up Bates star was making a huge announcement. However, the two ended up sharing updates about their lives before trying out the pregnancy tests. Carlin Bates Stewart tested negative, meaning that she’s currently not expecting a baby. But several Reddit users think she intentionally made a pregnancy test vlog to gain viewers, which generates income.

Carlin Bates From Bringing Up Bates, Sourced From Reddit
Carlin Bates From Bringing Up Bates, Sourced From Reddit
  • “I’m sorry. I couldn’t get past Evan.. Mr. Bougie, Mr. Top Name Brand, Mr. The Best of EVERYTHING.. talking about how expensive pregnancy tests are, and he bought the off brand. REALLY, EVAN???? When have you cared about prices? You are a walking ad for bougie. Ugh.”
  • “No one should click on that crap, period. One day maybe others will listen to me, lol.”
  • “They might as well have just gone to Costco to buy the pregnancy tests. Even if Carlin doesn’t use them all, there are many other family members who wouldn’t let them go to waste.”

Bringing Up Bates: Carlin Bates Opens Up About Health Issues

Carlin previously took to YouTube to open up about her health issues since welcoming her second child, Zade. According to the Bringing Up Bates star, she suffered from seizure-like symptoms and randomly passed out. This made her doctors decide that she shouldn’t be allowed to drive until she recovers.

Evan Stewart & Carlin Bates From Bringing Up Bates, Sourced From The Stewart Fam YouTube
Evan Stewart & Carlin Bates From Bringing Up Bates, Sourced From The Stewart Fam YouTube

Carlin Bates Stewart took all the proper medications to treat herself and hasn’t experienced the symptoms for almost two years. This also made her emotional, as she finally got the green light to drive again. Carlin added that her doctors aren’t worried about her getting pregnant despite her condition.

If you are looking for more Bringing Up Bates news, come back to TV Shows Ace for all your updates.

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