Sam McKinney Addresses Backlash Over ‘Bachelorette’ Behavior

'Bachelorette' contestant Sam McKinney/Credit: ABC YouTube

Bachelorette contestant Sam McKinney is among the men who aren’t getting along with Devin Strader. However, it was his reaction to another contestant that sparked fury online. Keep reading to see what he said to address the backlash.

The Bloom Comes Off The Rose Amid House Drama

Things are moving fast between Jenn Tran and her remaining suitors. Too fast, if you ask Sam McKinney. He made a huge impression on Jenn the first night, earning the First Impression Rose and the only kiss of the night.

During the show’s third episode, some of the men took the stage to perform strip teases. But instead of bearing his body, Sam Nejad chose to “bear his soul” by confessing that he was already falling in love with her.

'Bachelorette' contestant Sam McKinney/Credit: ABC YouTube
‘Bachelorette’ contestant Sam McKinney/Credit: ABC YouTube

He later explained to the other men where he was coming from with his declaration. According to PEOPLE magazine, he told them that he felt “pathetic” for using the word “love” so soon. However, Devin Strader reassured him that he didn’t say anything wrong.

Devin had a complicated relationship with the other men. He’s gotten into it with Thomas Nguyen and Aaron Erb about butting in on their time with Jenn. Thomas N. and Sam M. both laughed as they listened to the exchange between Devin and Sam N. That sparked a war of words between Devin and Sam M. Some Bachelorette fans were turned off by Sam M.’s bullying behavior toward the other Sam.

Sam McKinney Addresses Backlash Over Bullying Behavior

There’s been a lot of chatter on social media about Sam M.’s change in behavior compared to the first night. The reality star was undoubtedly asked to explain it several times. A Reddit user shared a comment Sam M. made on a social media post to explain his behavior.

“Context, context, context…”

Not satisfied with the answer, one fan asked him to spill the tea. And boy, did he. Or as much as he could.

Credit: Reddit
Credit: Reddit

Spoiling His Outcome With Jenn Tran

Sam M. followed up with another comment with a little more detail. He wrote that how he’s been shown on TV is “disheartening,” implying it was a bad edit.

His next sentence spoiled whether he ends up with Jenn Tran or not.

“Hopefully at the tell all the truth will come out.”

As Bachelor Nation fans know, the last two men (or women) left in the competition don’t attend the Men Tell All/Women Tell All specials that air before the season finale that reveals who the winner is.

Credit: Reddit
Credit: Reddit

So, we know that Sam M. gets eliminated sometime before the last episode. He added that he wasn’t legally allowed to say more.

Do you think Sam M. is getting a bad edit or is he skirting accountability for his behavior? Share your reaction to his explanation in the comments.

Jennifer Havener
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