Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar React, Jed & Katey Duggar’s Twins

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar - Duggarfam - Facebook

Counting On alums, Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar will soon be grandparents again as Jed and Katey Duggar announced that they expect twins. Read on to see how the grandparents reacted and what TLC fans thought about it.

Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Have Seen Plenty Of Baby Reveals

With 19 of her own baby reveals, and more than 30 grandchildren, it might seem that the Counting On grandmother might no longer be super-excited when babies come along. After all, they have been happening for decades. Still, everyone turned out for Jed and Katey’s announcement. Until, now, they had been raising two kids, Truett and Nora.

Jed and Katey Duggar - YouTube
Jed and Katey Duggar – YouTube

Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar always received pregnancy announcements with enthusiasm. And over the years, TLC fans saw many of them. Jed and Katey Duggar’s pregnancy, however, is the first time involving twins since Jed and Jeremiah’s birth.

Jed & Katey Duggar’s Twin Announcement

A lot of photos were taken by the Duggar family during the announcement by Jed and Katey Duggar. Of course, some of them ended up on Reddit. One photo in particular caught the attention of Counting On fans. It showed Jim Bob smiling from ear to ear and Michelle looked genuinely shocked as she clapped her hand to her mouth.

Shocked Surprise On Michelle Duggar's Face At Twin Reveal - Via Reddit
Shocked Surprise On Michelle Duggar’s Face At Twin Reveal – Via Reddit

Noting the reactions by TLC alums Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar, the OP wrote:

even Michelle was shocked by the twin pregnancy announcement.

Michelle Reacts To Twins - Reddit
Michelle Reacts To Twins – Reddit

TLC fans who saw the surprise on Michelle Duggar’s face also talked about Jim Bob’s giant smile. Here are some of their thoughts.

  • lol how pleased jimboob is! jed! has upped his status as golden child 1.1
  • It would not be surprising if Rim Job thinks Jed! is worthy of the mantle of Duggar Sr Headship now that pest is … unavailable.
  • Props to [Michelle] for being the only person not glued to her phone and actually enjoying the moment.
  • I don’t think it’s excitement so much as it is satisfaction that their quiverfull indoctrination is working, and in this case, it’s double the satisfaction because they’re getting the two for one special.
  • Props to Michelle for not having a phone out. What is everyone going to do with their copy of that video, other than absolutely nothing?
  • She actually looks upset surprised like omg how are they going to do this without kids old enough to help out and take over

What are your thoughts on the way that Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar reacted to the twins of Jed & Katey Duggar? Do you agree that they both looked as if all their Christmases had come in an instant? Shout out in the comments section, and remember to come back here often for all your Counting On family news.

James Michael

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