Kim Kardashian Reveals Which Chronic Disease Son Suffers From

Kim Kardashian - YouTube

The Kardashians star, Kim Kardashian, has told fans about her battle with skin problems for many years. Notably, she even has a company that tries to help others by offering quality skincare products. However, now she has openly revealed her son is suffering from a different chronic disease.

Kim Kardashian Is No Stranger To Disease

Over the years, Kim Kardashian has battled a skin condition that led her to start SKKNs as one of her entrepreneurial ventures. She told Dr. Thais Aliabadi, “I’ll do anything.” Undeniably, Kim has a difficult time keeping her psoriasis under control. She said, “I’ve tried … special herbs, the holistic way, a celery juice diet for six weeks, every topical cream, every soap from natural to unnatural.” Not long ago, Kim discussed a flare-up. Oftentimes, it flares more when she wears different types of materials that her elegant outfits include, such as sequins. With the lengths she goes to treating her own skin problems, it was sad to hear her son also suffers from a chronic disease.

Kim Kardashian - Ellen
Kim Kardashian – Ellen

Kim Kardashian Reveals Which Chronic Disease Son Suffers From

On Monday during the She MD podcast, The Kardashians star, Kim Kardashian, reveals which chronic disease her son suffers from. She says, “It came from my mom, went to me … and I passed it on in a different form to my son, who has vitiligo very mildly.” According to the National Institute of Health, “Vitiligo is a chronic (long-lasting) autoimmune disorder that causes patches of skin to lose pigment or color. This happens when melanocytes – skin cells that make pigment – are attacked and destroyed, causing the skin to turn a milky-white color.” While Kim shares the details about her son suffering from the disease, she says it is currently “under control.”

Kim Kardashian and her kids. - Instagram
Kim Kardashian and her kids. – Instagram

It’s A Family Matter

Furthermore, Kim Kardashian elaborates, “I didn’t know anything about it, but having to learn about it and figuring out where it came from and that it’s hereditary and just learning more and being able to share that [has been a blessing].” Additionally, she notes that each of her “kids have a little bit of eczema.” While she didn’t divulge which of her sons is suffering from vitiligo, it is hard to think of either Saint, 8, or Psalm, 5, struggling with it at their young ages. Notably, Pfizer says vitiligo only affects a small portion of the population stating only 0.5 to 1 percent. For instance, Michael Jackson is one of the few famously known for having this condition.

What do you think about Kim Kardashian revealing her son’s chronic disease? Are you enjoying this season of The Kardashians? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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