Gypsy Rose Blanchard Looking For A Career In Fast Food?

Gypsy Rose Blanchard-YouTube

Is Gypsy Rose Blanchard looking for a career in fast food despite amassing fame from the murder of her mother? It seems that she has grown tired of the fanfare and is looking to simplify her life. So, what exactly does that mean? Keep reading for all of the details.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Looking For A Career In Fast Food?

Since Gypsy Rose Blanchard left prison at the end of December 2023, her life has been an absolute whirlwind. Her first Lifetime docuseries was released and it showcased how she started the early parole process. Then, she shared how she met her husband, Ryan Scott Anderson, as well as the decision to get married behind bars. It ended with her being released early after serving 85% of her time, being with her husband, and being welcomed home by her family. She had more plans in Missouri but was told she needed to leave and head back to Louisiana ASAP.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard-YouTube
Gypsy Rose Blanchard-YouTube

Once home, she started to do press and interviews, nothing was silent and she was on the go. Three months later, she shared that she and Ryan had parted ways. Then, she started to hang out with her ex-fiance, Ken Urker who always seemed to be the one who got away. Gypsy also got tattoos, lightened her hair, got a nose job, and underwent oral surgery. Now, on the heels of Gypsy Rose: Life After Lock Up premiering, she has dropped a bomb about her professional life. She wants a career in fast food.

According to ET, Gypsy Rose Blanchard is ready for a quieter life. This may mean doing something in the service industry:

“I think everything has been very hyped up, and I’ve had wonderful opportunities, but I don’t see those lasting, and I think there comes a time where I have to make a choice. And that is, when do I say enough is enough? And I think after  so long of having my name in the spotlight, that time is coming really soon.”

So, when that time comes, Gypsy is actually considering working in fast food. Her reasoning is very sweet and quite practical:

“Part of me is like, maybe I should just go work at McDonald’s. I love those French fries! I don’t know. But I do like retail, too. Maybe something at the mall, like makeup or Sephora or something — because I love makeup.”

As her father, Rod Blanchard says in the trailer for the new docuseries, she seems to be living the life of a teenager. Therefore, the retail jobs she has selected fall in line with being a typical high schooler. These are things she missed out on.

Figuring It All Out

Gypsy Rose Blanchard noted that she has a lot to learn like driving which she is working on. Once she can do that, she can get a job far easier. As for her romantic life, Gypsy shared that Ken Urker would be moving to Louisiana very soon. The two have a history and when she was released from prison, she did try to make it work with Ryan Scott Anderson. As viewers will see, something did not go right and she left. Now, she and Ken are very happy and are seeing where things take them.

What do you think of Gypsy finding a practical job? Will that ever be possible for her or not? Let us know and watch the premiere of Gypsy Rose: Life After Lock Up June 3rd on Lifetime.

Amanda Lauren

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