What Is Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar’s 2024 Grandchildren Count?

Michelle & Jim Bob Duggar - Instagram

The family of Jim Bob Duggar is certainly taking his wish to populate the world with his genes seriously, as Hannah and Jeremiah Duggar just welcomed their second baby. The little one named Brielle Grace is the 33rd grandchild of Michelle and her husband. The former 19 Kids and Counting and Counting On stars might need a bigger house to entertain everyone.

Jeremiah And Hannah Duggar First Welcomed Brynley

Jeremiah is already a proud dad of Brynley who is 14 months old. So, they now have two children under two. At this rate, they might announce another pregnancy before the year is out. None of the children yet matched Michelle with her stunning number of 19 kids born alive. Might Jeremiah go for the record breaker?

Brynley Aged 1 - Hannah Duggar Instagram
Brynley Aged 1 – Hannah Duggar Instagram

Hannah Duggar and Jeremiah married at the end of March 2022.  Within a year, they welcomed Brynley, and now they welcomed a second baby. While some of the adult kids space out their offspring, it looks like Jeremiah will not be one of them. Of the married children, only Justin and Claire seem ready to wait before pumping out babies.

Grandbaby Number 33 For The Counting On Patriarch

When Jeremiah and his wife jointly shared a photo of their new addition, TLC fans found out that they named their daughter Brielle Grace. But other details of the birth were not mentioned on their Instagram post. 33 grandchildren is probably an amazing celebration for him Bob Duggar. However, on Reddit, Counting On fans wished the women would slow down and enjoy marriage before birthing multiple children.

Baby Brielle - Hannah Duggar - Instagram
Baby Brielle – Hannah Duggar – Instagram

When Hannah Duggar’s baby news arrived on Reddit, the OP described the arrival as:

[A] New Duggar Record!

Counting On critics seem to think that Jim Bob Duggar must be going for a record number of grandchildren. And, some of them felt the women might be damaging themselves by birthing children close to each other.

  • I think Dim Bulb pressures them into popping out kids because he wants one hundred grandchildren.
  • every time I hear about these young women having babies so close together I worry about their health. Even the WHO recommends at least 18-24 months between GIVING BIRTH and CONCEIVING! not giving birth to ANOTHER!
  • Wow, I hadn’t realized they had been so fast! I get being h0rny and all but geez they are really fertile! I hope they will slow down a bit and announce #3 around [the] end of December/early January next year.

What are your thoughts about Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar now being the parents to 19 kids and 33 grandkids? Do you think that they will hit 100 grandchildren in their lifetimes? Shout out in the comments below and come back here for all your Counting On family news

James Michael

One Comment

  1. God did say for them to go out and populate the earth their selves. The women need to give their bodies time to heal between babies.

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