‘LPBW’ Jeremy Roloff Claims Traumatizing Childhood?

Jeremy Roloff, YouTube, Amy Roloff

Jeremy Roloff often refers to what some people describe as tin hat theories. Well, his latest story drew a connection between his childhood and Vietnam vets, or survivors getting out of the war-torn country. Little People, Big World fans tried to figure out what the TLC alum was trying to say. After all, if his childhood was so traumatising, why would his wife, Audrey suggest he’s tough enough to win Survivor?

Jeremy Roloff Grew Up On A Lovely Farm

From LPBW, TLC fans know that Matt Roloff worked hard to give his family a good life on their farm in Oregon. From an authentic-looking castle for his daughter Molly and her siblings to play in and more, the kids seemed to have it all. In the first season of the show, viewers saw Zach and his twin enjoying a camping trip. And, many more vacations followed.

Molly Roloff's Castle - Matt Roloff Instagram
Molly Roloff’s Castle – Matt Roloff Instagram

Jeremy Roloff lived a lifestyle that many Little People, Big World viewers envy. For example, his mom stayed home and made sure they always had nice meals and treats. Then, there was the annual pumpkin season with all sorts of things to delight a child. Okay, the Trebuchet was a disaster in Season 3, but the rest of it looked wonderful. For outsiders looking in, it seems incomprehensible that the average-sized twin would compare his childhood to Vietnam.

Little People Big World Fans Discuss A Strange Comparison

Zach Roloff’s twin took to his Instagram Stories and shared a short reel of someone who talked about his children running marathons. Without much context, it seemed that something bad had happened in one of those true crime stories. The person in the reel talked about parts of Africa and women.

Jeremy Roloff Makes A Strange Comparison - Instagram
Jeremy Roloff Makes A Strange Comparison – Instagram

The caption by Jeremy Roloff drew more attention than someone talking about children who ran marathons and Africa’s women.

Man. So crazy, I remember being told to get out of the house as a kid. My mom would literally lock us out of the house and I would find something to do for hours on end. Or I would simply BE bored and watch the clouds pass through the tree branches. I feel like being born in 1990, I was on the last chopper out of Nam concerning a childhood free from this new era of existence.

What Is Jeremy Talking About?

Shared on Reddit, the OP put up an emoji to highight their thoughts expressed in the caption.

Really Jeremy 🙄

Little People, Big World fans soon started bashing the former TLC star for comparing his childhood to Vietnam.

  • What about all the cruise ships you went on? All the fans you made fun of? Poor baby. Spoiled brat POS!
  • He acts like he wasn’t sleeping in until 2pm and trashing the house. Am I cool because I went outside without my parents locking me out. l mean we literally watched it on tv. If the crew wasn’t there they’d be in bed and staying up all night playing video games.
  • I remember being SOOOO JEALOUS of their upbringing. They had a huge farm, the pirate ship, the pumpkin patch, jer was popular among his group. I remember for Molly they did a huge waterslide thing. I was so envious of how spoiled they were.


Jeremy Roloff often rants about things in life, but unfortunately, he doesn’t always express himself with much context or clarity. Was he really comparing his Little People, Big World life to the Vietnam War? One TLC fan interpreted it differently.

To be clear, he’s not saying his childhood was like coming home from ‘Nam”. What he is saying is that he was lucky to be raised in an era where he was allowed to roam free outdoors and play in an unstructured, unorganized way. The luck is that he was able to have such a childhood and he feels like he was one of the lucky people who got on the last helicopter out of ‘Nam because he was one of the last few kids who wasn’t raised to be indoors and attached to electronics. He’s not saying his childhood was like fighting in a war. Its still a stupid insensitive allusion, made worse that I am pretty certain Jeremy couldn’t find Vietnam on a map if asked.

What are your thoughts about Jeremy Roloff comparing his childhood to Vietnam? Do you think he complained about his upbringing? Or, was the former TLC cast member expressing his greatfulness that he lived in a safer era? Let us know in the comments below, and come back here for all your LPBW news.

James Michael

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