Jade Roper Tolbert Introverted & Struggling Amid Devastating Loss

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Jade Roper Tolbert has three healthy children, but she lost her baby, Beau in a missed miscarriage, and as she’s still grieving, she experiences difficulty producing content for social media. Of course, that is not unexpected, but the Bachelor in Paradise star worries a bit because it’s her job.

Jade Roper Tolbert Lost Her Baby In 2023

ABC fans heard that Tanner Tolbert’s wife had a miscarriage when she opened up about it on social media in August last year. Broken, she explained it was a “missed miscarriage.” That meant that the baby passed away in her womb, but her body retained the child. Hoping that she could pass her baby naturally, she held off and treasured the time she had with her son.

Bachelor in Paradise Alum Jade Roper Tolbert and Emmy - Instagram
Bachelor in Paradise Alum Jade Roper Tolbert and Emmy – Instagram

Jade Roper Tolbert took the loss very hard when eventually, the medical professionals had to surgically remove the baby. That put paid to her plans to bury the little one under a tree. While some people told her to get over it and focus on her living children, that seemed cruel. People who haven’t had a miscarriage can’t relate to the bond between a mother and a wanted child.

Bachelor In Paradise Alum Struggles With Content

In a recent Instagram Story, the ABC alum sounded and looked very down. Talking about struggling with producing content, she wrote a long message:

I know I promised a Q&A yesterday. I’ve just been feeling extremely  introverted since Christmas, like disappear into my own head ntroverted. Its a tricky thing being a “content creator” and being introverted, sometimes. I’m trying to honot myself and what I’m feeling, but also it’ also weird because this is my job, and I need to work, and I alo miss you all even though I’m needing my time to my inner world. Also, Beau’s due date is coming up, (January 16th) and I’m feeling all sorts of emotions so that might have something to do with it right now, too. Anyway, I love you all and will try to do the Q&A later today.


Jade Roper Tolbert Instagram Stories
Jade Roper Tolbert Instagram Stories

Jade Roper Tolbert did eventually do her Q&A and she related her ideas to honor Beau on his due date. When asked what she planned for her lost baby, The Bachelor in Paradise star said:

I ordered a cake…and I’m planning to light a candle on it and possily go down to the beach, but looking for other ideas on how to spend the day/ acknowledge the day.

Jade Liz Roper - Instagram Stories
Jade Liz Roper – Instagram Stories

What are your thoughts about Jade Roper Tolbert feeling introverted after the loss of her baby boy, Beau? Do you think it must be difficult churning out content in a sad state of mind? What about her plan for the due date of her baby? Shout out in the comments below and come back here for all your Bachelor In Paradise news.

James Michael

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