Whataburger Roasts Hailey Bieber: Team Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez and Hailey Bieber with Whataburger - all from IG

Hailey Bieber is involved in what fans perceive as a feud with Selena Gomez. Since that feud started, there has been no word from Hailey’s husband and Selena’s ex-boyfriend Justin Bieber. However, Whataburger chimed in with their opinion.

Here is what Whataburger said about the entire ordeal.

Hailey Bieber & Selena Gomez feuding?

Years before Hailey Bieber married Justin Bieber, the pop star was in a long relationship with Selena Gomez. That was a true power couple and it was so big that both had a legion of fans that took sides when they broke up. Since then, Justin’s career has faltered and Selena has become an even bigger actress on top of her singing career.

That means when Hailey Bieber and Selena Gomez began what appears to be a feud, fans would take sides once again. This all started when Selena posted a photo of her trying to make her eyebrows look like Bella Hadid, who she had a “girl crush” on.

Selena Gomez from IG

Kylie Jenner, of all people, posted a photo of herself with the words “this was an accident” over her eyebrows. She then had a FaceTime call with Hailey Bieber that she posted where the video zoomed in on their eyebrows. It seemed they were throwing shade at Selena Gomez.

This caused fans to melt down. After this happened, Kylie Jenner lost one million followers on Instagram. At the same time, Selena has gained over a million fans on the social media site, with more following her by the day. It seems that fans have taken a side and now Whataburger has too.

Whataburger takes a side

While most people think of Wendy’s when it comes to posting hot takes on Twitter (they are the masters of it), Whataburger said “hold my beer.” After all this mess, Whataburger posted that “We know you didn’t ask but we’re team Selena.

This ended up with over 16,000 re-tweets and over 69,000 likes. The account also had a lot of people leave comments about how it makes them love Whataburger even more. For their credit, Whataburger even responded to the fans who liked their take on this feud.

The funny thing is that Whataburger has now responded to the perceived feud between Hailey Bieber and Selena Gomez, and the one guy connected to both – Justin Bieber – hasn’t said a thing. Justin usually comes to his wife’s defense when people start coming after her. However, in this case, he might have realized that she was in the wrong.

What are your thoughts on Whataburger picking a side in the Hailey Bieber and Selena Gomez feud? Was it all too ridiculous before they even got involved? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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