‘1000-Lb. Sisters’: Are The Ladies About To Swap Roles?

1000-Lb. Sisters from TLC

Is Amy Halterman on the path to becoming the next Tammy Slaton? Some 1000-Lb. Sisters fans certainly think that might be the case.

Throughout the show’s history, fans tend to view Tammy as the more difficult one and Amy as the one who can make real progress. But we left the sisters in a very different place at the end of Season 3.

Is it possible that the sisters could swap roles if 1000-Lb. Sisters returns for Season 4?

1000-Lb. Sisters Season 4 may feature a pretty big role reversal

TLC never officially renewed the show for a fourth season. However, Tammy Slaton seemed to indicate that it’s definitely happening. She told fans she couldn’t give too many health updates because she’s still in rehab. They’ll just have to tune into Season 4 to see what happens.

In previous interviews, Amy Halterman said she wasn’t sure if she wanted to keep filming. The paycheck is nice, but Amy doesn’t like the rigorous filming schedule or how it takes away time from her children. She’s currently pregnant with her second child and will have a lot less time on her hands to work.

Based on all this information, fans seem to wonder if the sisters are actually about to switch roles. Screen Rant poses a very interesting theory in their own article.

1000-Lb. Sisters/TLC

Amy Halterman’s healthcare team expressed concern when she conceived her first child so soon after her bariatric surgery. And now with a second child on the way, she’s putting on more weight. During 1000-Lb. Sisters Season 3, even Amy’s family members said they wished she would put off her pregnancy plans until her weight is under control.

Meanwhile, Tammy Slaton reports she’s making remarkable progress in rehab. Some fans think she isn’t being entirely truthful about her weight loss journey. But really, she might just have to keep things quiet because of her contract with TLC. We can’t be entirely sure until Season 4 comes.

Fans wonder how much longer the show can go on

On Reddit, fans discussed what kind of storylines 1000-Lb. Sisters Season 4 could feature.

“Producers must be thinking, can we milk this story anymore? What is left to tell in lieu of actual change by Tammy, like that’s ever gonna happen,” the original poster writes.

This is where a lot of the role-reversal talk stems from. It may be reality television, but TLC still needs to craft storylines in order to keep viewers interested.

Watching Tammy and Amy completely switch roles would definitely be something to see.

If 1000-Lb. Sisters returns for a fourth season, will you tune in? What kind of stories do you think TLC will tell? Keep following us online for more on the Slaton sisters and the rest of their family members. We will be here to fill you in.

Nikole Behrens
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  1. 4th season would be fantastic. We would definitely tune in. Tammy Girl I love her and want her to succeed in her journey. Both she and Chris could put on a good show. Amy and the babies can come in casually.

    1. My whole family loves 1000 pound sisters♥️ I can’t wait for season four !I love to hear how Tammy and Amy and Chris and all the other siblings are doing and can’t wait to see the new baby♥️ I hope there is a season four no matter what I want to know how doing

  2. I’d prefer to see more of Amy and Michael’s lil family in the new house.
    And alot more of Chris with his family and home life. With updates here and there of Tammy. I wish her well on her journey but shes just to sour to watch I’ve had enough of her already.

  3. I would definitely watch a season 4 of 1000lb sisters and not because they trade roles but because I am truly interested in how they are doing. I’ve been watching them since season 1 and love them and want the best for both of them I worry about Amy because she seems to think she has to eat more because she’s pregnant and simply is a lie plain and simple! I had a gastric stapling in 85 then got pregnant in 86 I was considered a high risk pregnancy just for caloric intake and vitamin and protein. I was on lots of chewable vitamins and I gained NO weight! In fact I actually lost 11lbs first 2 trimesters! By the time I had her she was 2 wks overdue and had no fat content to her body they said and were afraid of growth retardation even though by the end I had put on 19lbs-the 11lbs that I lost. Everything else on her showed healthy except they said she’d be extremely underweight. She was quite the opposite 😂! She was 8lbs12oz 21″ long fat and chubby like a chipmunk! 😂 The fact is you aren’t eating for two! You’re eating for you with the nutrition for you and your baby!
    Tammy has come so far and seems to have come to the low spot in her life that forced her to make a serious change in her life for the good and continue it on her own for her own wellbeing and I so support her and love her for everything she is doing.

  4. I will continue to watch 1000 lb Sisters as long as they are on! I truly hope for the best for all of them, including Chris! I am especially waiting to see Tammy after being in rehab!! I understand Amy’s concerns about time and being pregnant, but I watch Down With the Derico and marvel at how they do it with 14 kids!!!

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