Robyn Brown Says Kody And Christine Still Married?

Robyn Brown was the fourth wife to enter into the Sister Wives family. It was not an easy adjustment yet she has seemingly become Kody’s favorite wife. He attributes this to the fact she has been the most loyal even referring to her as obedient. One wife who has not upheld her vows is his third wife, Christine. Though she once held up the family, she was not so abiding when it came to Kody’s pandemic rules. They were beyond stringent and too much for her liking. The marriage was already struggling and this just put the nail in the coffin. Though Christine maintains she and Kody are divorced, Robyn says otherwise.

Robyn Brown, The Official Queen Bee

When she entered the family, Kody said Robyn made sure she knew her place. She was ready to follow the rules of the family as were her three kids. Introduced by the original first and legal wife, Meri, it seemed like she blended right in. She never actually lived in the home like the other three wives did so she had no idea what it was like to share a space. Christine had actually raised most of the kids prior to Robyn entering the family as her own. They had grown very attached to her so this was why she struggled so much during the pandemic.

Sister Wives Credit: TLC

Gabriel pointed this fact out to his father one day after Kody claimed Christine and Janelle were being frivolous. He did not believe those two households were taking COVID seriously. Gabe had to remind Kody that Christine practically raised the older kids. To not have them around was heartbreaking and almost impossible hence why she and Janelle would often meet. Janelle said Robyn was always welcomed but knew she would never come as the other wives were breaking Kody’s protocols.

Kody Brown Credit: YouTube


During the pandemic, Kody was almost exclusively always staying with Robyn and her five children. Christine claimed Kody would come by for a few hours every week. This led her to want to travel and be where they were loved. In the end, he said he no longer wanted to be intimate but still wanted to be married. They had been on the outs for years so Christine called it quits. In Sister Wives: One on One, she shared they have divorced however Robyn disputes this claim. Why?

Kody and Christine Still Married?

According to Robyn Brown, Kody and Christine are still technically married. They wed in the church and it has yet to grant them an official divorce. Yet Christine does not subscribe to this belief. She left that particular church years ago. Therefore, it is not up to the church to make the decision if she and Kody are married or not. Kody happens to agree with her on this fact.

Kody Brown Credit: YouTube

It was a spiritual union, not a legal one. The only wife he is legally bound to is Robyn who he wed in 2014. Originally, he was married to Meri. However, she divorced him so he could marry Robyn and adopt her three children. Do you think Robyn is right or should it be between Christine and Kody? Let us know in the comments.

Don’t miss part three of Sister Wives: One on One next Sunday on TLC.


Amanda Lauren

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