‘When Calls The Heart’ Fans Wonder What Happened To This Young Character

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Now that When Calls The Heart Season 12 finale has aired and Hallmark has announced Season 13, Hearties are busy discussing what they liked and what they didn’t like about the twelfth season. One complaint several Hearties had was that one young character was missing most of the season. Who did they miss?

When Calls The Heart Photo: Andrea Brooks Credit: ©2023 Hallmark Media/Photographer: David Dolsen
When Calls The Heart Photo: Andrea Brooks Credit: ©2023 Hallmark Media/Photographer: David Dolsen

Hearties Want To Know What Happened To Lily, Faith’s Foster Daughter

When Calls The Heart Season 12 concluded with the season finale “Must Be Gold.” Now Hearties have gone to social media to discuss the Hallmark series. One big question is about Faith’s foster daughter Lily.

In Season 11, Dr. Faith Carter, portrayed by Andrea Brooks, meets Lily Watson when Lily’s grandmother Dora is hospitalized. In this sweet relationship, Faith soon became “Aunt Faith,” as she cared for Lily as her grandmother was in hospital. But, after she left the hospital, Dora told Faith that Lily was best with her. Therefore, Faith became Lily’s permanent guardian and pals with Little Jack.

This season, Lily’s story was not prominent. Therefore, it is no surprise that one Heartie wrote on social media, “What happened to Faith’s foster daughter? It was a big story last season but I don’t remember seeing her this season.”


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When Calls The Heart Fans Share What They Think Happened To Lily

One Heartie didn’t know what happened to young Lily on When Calls The Heart. Thankfully, this is an astute group of fans who had answers to this question. Where was Faith’s foster daughter Lily?

  • She was there at the beginning of school and was scared and Jack let her borrow his dad’s medal. And then I don’t remember seeing her after that!
  • Just like many other characters she is gone without explanation.
  • Faith mentioned her tonight, but now that you’ve refreshed my memory, I only remember seeing her in that one episode too.
  • Because Andrea Brooks was heavily pregnant during the filming of this season, her stories are limited.
  • I do think Andrea had way less scenes than normal because of her pregnancy. She had her baby just days after they finished filming. And she said in an interview that they had a plan in case she went into labor early.

Early in Season 12, Hearties got to see Little Jack be very gentlemanly as he offered up his dad’s medal to help Lily feel courageous. However, as the season progressed, there were other stories told such as Allie’s big dance, and Oliver’s Mountie training, as well as the double eagle coin mystery. The writers had to make some difficult choices on which stories they planned to tell.


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Hearties, did you miss seeing Faith’s foster daughter Lily in When Calls The Heart Season 12? Which other characters did you miss this season? Please share your favorites that you feel deserved more screen time.

Georgia Makitalo

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