Are Joe Bradley And Maddi Reese Still Together And Happy?

Maddi Reese, Joe Bradley-YouTube

Southern Hospitality fans have been dying to know if Joe Bradley and Maddi Reese are still together after the last season of the show. If they are still together, are they happy? The two started dating after Maddi ended things with Trevor. However, their relationship does seem rocky at times. Are they still going strong? Or did they call it quits? Keep reading to find out more about this situation.

The Two Start Dating, Joe Bradley Happier Than Ever

Joe Bradley has been in love with Maddi Reese for years and he is not shy to admit this. He has wanted to date her for the longest time. However, Maddi revealed she did not date him at first because TJ made it seem to her that Joe was gay. This was cleared up and the two started dating after her last relationship with Trevor. Since then, the two have seemed to be happy together. However, Maddi has wanted to take things away slower than Joe. He would move in with her right this second. However, this is not in the cards for her right now. So, Joe is taking the backseat and letting Maddi pace the relationship on her own timeline.

Joe Bradley and Maddi Reese YouTube
Joe Bradley and Maddi Reese YouTube

Are They Still Together And Happy?

Fans have been dying to know if Maddi and Joe are still together and happy. Well, the two were spotted at the Georgia aquarium. The person who spotted them said they were holding hands and seemed to be really happy with one another. Fans are happy to hear that they are doing great.

  • I am happy to hear this!
  • He does cherish her. That’s better than a lot of men.
  • Joe’s hometown. Sweet.
  • I love them together ❤️
  • Was hoping the Emmy and Will thing didn’t break them up. They still might one day but I want it to be on their terms, I’ll be damned if those other losers ruin that relationship.

However, there are some people who think Maddi deserves better than Joe.

  • She really deserves better than him. Sorry!
  • Its way too controlling for my taste, personally.
  • He was obsessed with her, made up a lie to break up her realationship & now is love bombing/ being controlling. I guess the bars on the ground
  • He’s sleazy and has been sleazy towards her in the past. Wont be at all surprised if he cheats
  • Joe is creepy and I hope Maddi dumps him. Sorry not sorry. He absolutely was in on the TJ, Brad et al lying on Trevor thing and even worse bc he knew and played both sides. She can do better.


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It seems that the two are still together and happy. They were recently spotted at the aquarium and seemed to be happier than ever. Fans are glad to hear that the two are together still. This is something Joe Bradley has wanted for years. So, his dream finally came true. Maddi does not want to move as fast as Joe does. However, he is letting her take it slow. What do you think about Joe and Maddi? Do you love them together? Sound off in the comments below. We would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Hailee Dent

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