Baylen Dupree Wedding Coming Soon?

Baylen Dupree Instagram Baylen Out Loud

Baylen Dupree and Colin Dooley just got engaged on the season finale of Baylen Out Loud and fans are wondering if a wedding is coming soon. Her parents made it clear that they want them to have a long engagement. The thing is Baylen didn’t seem on board with that plan. So is a wedding on the way?

Baylen Dupree Confuses Fans With Post

Baylen posted on her Instagram and it really confused fans. She was wearing a pretty dress and Colin looked nice too. This post looked like it could possibly be at a wedding show. This made some fans think that the wedding was coming sooner than they realized One confusing thing was that part of the post showed a sign that said The Duprees. You can assume that Colin isn’t planning on taking her last name. So what is really going on in this post?

Baylen Dupree and Colin Dooley Instagram
Baylen Dupree and Colin Dooley Instagram

Fans Share Their Thoughts

Fans were sharing their thoughts in the comments and it turns out that some even know what is going on. It looks like Baylen and Colin went to a wedding for one of Baylen’s cousins. This would explain why it said The Duprees on the sign. This also doesn’t mean that a wedding is coming right away. The thing is it doesn’t mean that it isn’t either, though. Baylen and Colin will need time to plan, but they might end up getting married sooner rather than later. They could keep this a secret for the show.

Here is what some of the fans said on the social media post:

  • The Duprees? Colin taking Baylen’s last name?
  •  she is a guest at a wedding. What is wrong with that?
  • Great pictures Baylen & Colin!! Congratulations on your engagement!!
  • This is probably a family member’s wedding
  • Ily guys ur beautiful

Of course, a few comments were rude as usual. Baylen deals with a lot of criticism, but she seems to do a great job of handling it and is always smiling.


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A post shared by Baylen Dupree (@baylen_dupree)

Did Baylen Dupree confuse you with her pictures? Do you think a wedding is still coming soon? Sound off in the comments below on your thoughts and don’t miss Season 2 of Baylen Out Loud when it returns to TLC. An exact return date hasn’t been revealed just yet. The show has officially been renewed, though, which is great news.

Mandy Robinson

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