‘Shark Tank’ How To Buy Firefly Workout Recovery Device

Firefly Workout Recovery Device from Shark Tank, ABC

Athletes are always looking for ways to improve their game and performance. On tonight’s new Shark Tank episode, one entrepreneur presents the sharks with a solution to a common pain point.

How can athletes boost recovery at home without lugging around bulky medical equipment?

Innovator Anthony Kjenstad has come up with a solution that may very well turn the sports medicine world on its head. See what Kjenstad brings to the table on Shark Tank tonight.

Shark Tank Features A Modern Recovery Solution For Athletes

Firefly Recovery’s origin story begins in 2017. Southern California man Anthony Kjenstad wanted to find a simple and efficient solution for athletes needing a bit of rest and recovery.

Kjenstad worked in the sports performance industry for years and began noticing a pattern. It’s no longer just about training and high performance. Modern athletes are also interested in enhanced recovery methods. The problem is that no one had manufactured a device that truly addressed the modern athlete’s pain points.

While compression sleeves and muscle stimulation equipment certainly have their purpose, they’re not easy to move. Ice baths might work wonders, but it’s not always feasible to have a tub full of ice water on hand.

Kjenstad started working on a solution to these issues and the Firefly was born. He wanted to create a product that could soothe athlete’s aching muscles without forcing them to carry bulky, awkward equipment. Size, portability, and convenience are all focal points of Kjenstad’s invention.

Firefly Workout Recovery Device from Shark Tank, ABC
Shark Tank/ABC

How Does The Firefly Work?

Thankfully, it wasn’t difficult for Kjenstad to find users for his new invention. Several sports teams at the University of Southern California happily tested the product out. Users noted that the Firefly was simple to use and store, which made it an excellent option for athletes on the move.

Firefly Workout Recovery Device from Shark Tank, ABC
Shark Tank/ABC

Firefly users secure the device to the back of their legs, just below their knees. When the user switches the device on, it sends out a very slight electrical pulse which stimulates the common peroneal nerve. In turn, the calf muscle twitches, which increases circulation throughout the wearer’s lower body.

Where Can Viewers Purchase Their Own Device?

Interested athletes can purchase their very own Firefly through the company’s website. A starter pack, which includes two pairs of Firefly wearables and a pair of accessory straps, currently costs $17. A $24 package and $42 package are also available for purchase, benefitting homes with multiple athletes and even larger sports teams.

According to Firefly Recovery’s website, they are the official supporter and partner for several high-profile sporting teams.

Screenshot from Firefly Recovery's website
Firefly Recovery

Would you like to buy a Firefly device of your own? Do you think this could revolutionize the way athletes perform and recover afterward? Leave your own thoughts and share what you think about the device in the comments below.

See the Firefly on tonight’s new episode of Shark Tank at 8 PM Eastern time. Keep following TV Shows Ace online for the latest Shark Tank products and see what you might like to buy next.

Nikole Behrens
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