Leva Bonaparte Has To Be ‘Cut’ From Bravo Shows

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Leva Bonaparte needs to be cut from the Bravo shows she is on, Southern Charm and Southern Hospitality. Fans are fed up with her actions and cannot stand seeing her on the shows anymore. However, Leva has been around for a while and is the reason Southern Hospitality is a show. If it was not for her bar, Republic, there would be no way for the show to happen. Keep reading to find out more about this situation.

Leva Bonaparte Is In Hot Water With Viewers

Leva Bonaparte is not on everyone’s good side lately. This came after the opening of her new bar, Zachary’s Daiquiris. When the bar opened, there was a huge line waiting to get in, as there was expected to be. However, the bouncers ended up coming over to a group of African American men and told them that what they were wearing was not a part of the dress code. This was a problem since they had already let a lot of people in the bar dressed the exact same way. This caused a lot of people to leave the line and slam Leva and her new business on social media.

Leva Bonaparte YouTube
Leva Bonaparte YouTube

She Needs To Be ‘Cut’ From Bravo Shows

Fans are fed up with Leva Bonaparte and do not want to see her on any shows anymore.

  • She’s been around since Season 1 of Southern Charm. How, HOW is she still getting airtime? Literally no one likes her? She keeps saying and doing stupid shit? Is her dad an exec at Bravo or something? I don’t understand how she is so untouchable. As problematic as LVP was/is at least she was kind of fun to watch. Leva just sucks.
  • I don’t understand it! She’s not compelling at all. LVP is at least cheeky and interesting.
  • Not a Leva fan at all!
  • She feels like she has the same hybrid role as Whitney or Kyle from summer house. She has connections and a business, so Bravo kinda turns them into an executive producer or whatever they do with those characters that gives them so much power. Relevancy doesn’t always come naturally in those positions I guess.
  • She’s so damn boring. She needs to be cut from Southern Charm. Even Venita has more to add than she does.

Well, it seems no one wants to see Leva on their screens any more.


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It seems as though fans are fed up with Leva and do not want to see her on their screens any longer. They compared her to Lisa Vanderpump. However, it was pointed out that Lisa is at least entertaining to watch. Leva is not on everyone’s good side right now after the controversy with her new daiquiri bar. This has made her lose a lot of fans and receive a lot of hate. What do you think about Leva Bonaparte on the shows? Do you think she needs to be fired from them? Sound off in the comments below. We would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Hailee Dent

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