‘When Calls The Heart’: Is Little Jack Going To Die?

Erin Krakow With Little Jack When Calls The Heart

Last week on a new episode of When Calls The Heart fans found out that Little Jack has diabetes. This was before the time of treatments though and Elizabeth pointed out the fact that there is no cure for diabetes. Are they going to let Little Jack die?

Elizabeth Writes a Letter To Save His Life

Tonight on the new episode Elizabeth had one hour to write a letter about how Little Jack should be approved for treatment. They have been using insulin on adults, but not children. He would be the first child to get this medicine and she wants them to let her little boy try it out. She cried while writing the letter and it was really hard. She talked about the first time he smiled and more. Fans were crying along with Elizabeth as she talked about wanting her little boy to live.

When Calls The Heart, Erin Krakow - YouTube
When Calls The Heart, Erin Krakow – YouTube

Will They Let Little Jack Die On When Calls The Heart?

Fans are wondering if they will let Little Jack die on WCTH and they are hoping that isn’t the case. It is really hard watching a little boy suffer like this. Elizabeth already lost her husband, and now it would be shocking if she lost her son, too. You can assume that the writers would not do this to her. By the end of the episode, Little Jack had woken up so that was promising news.

The fans went to X formerly known as Twitter to talk about if they thought something would happen to Jack and how they were crying during the episode. Here is what they had to say:

  • Wow what a tearful episode tonight on When Calls the Heart! Sweet Little Jack.
  • Now it’s happy tears, but it’s been tears since the start. #Hearties #WCTH #KeenOn13
  • Little Jack is awake! Looks like the insulin is working! Thank goodness for the miracle medicine created by one of Canada’s very own! #Hearties #WCTH #WhenCallsTheHeart #keenon13
  • Wiping my eyes for the 15th time since this episode started. I’m fine. We’re fine. #wcth #hearties
  • Aww Nathan brought the bravery medal for Little Jack, oh my heart. #WCTH #Hearties

Do you think that they will let Little Jack die on When Calls The Heart? Do you think he will be able to use insulin and live a normal life? Sound off in the comments below on your thoughts. Don’t miss new episodes of When Calls The Heart on Sunday nights on Hallmark.

Mandy Robinson

One Comment

  1. My heart scattered in a million pieces to see the pain in Elisabeth. It hit home hard with me, when I almost lost my son. He died three times, but thank God started breathing again. his problems were with his heart. but the pain and fear of losing a child is the same. I cried buckets of tears and ached with in me, to see her pain. I was feeling it every bit of it. I am so happy that her son will be fine just as I am now that my son is completely healed and married with two beautiful children of their own

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