What Can Kim Kardashian Do That Makes Khloe Jealous?

Khloe Kardashian, Kim Kardashian-YouTube

What can Kim Kardashian do that makes her younger sister, Khloe Kardashian jealous? They are both single mothers, reality stars, and moguls. So, what is Kim doing that Khloe wishes she could do? Keep reading for more details.

What Can Kim Kardashian Do That Makes Khloe Jealous?

Kim Kardashian and her sister, Khloe Kardashian have butted heads but they still remain very close. There was a time when Kim felt Khloe was not prioritizing herself. Rather, she was laser-focused on raising her two children, True and Tatum. Khloe loves having a schedule and being at home, this is what feeds her soul. Kim is constantly working and traveling and enjoys a night away from her four kids. Fortunately, Khloe is expanding her horizons more and just went to India with Kim on the latest episode of The Kardashians. Khloe is also embracing turning forty and this new chapter of her life.

Khloe Kardashian-YouTube
Khloe Kardashian-YouTube

She had a lavish country-themed birthday party that was over the top but that is how the family rolls. They love to do everything in excess and birthdays are no exception. The family rallies for parties and always ensures everyone is having the best time. Although Khloe and Kim can clash over different lifestyles, they do enjoy time together and new experiences. That was why the wedding they attended together in India was a great bonding experience yet very tiring. This brought out something in Kim that Khloe admitted she was very jealous of.


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In between the traveling, the jetlag, and the partying, the girls were ready to crash. They ended up falling asleep while on the way to one wedding event. However, Khloe Kardashian shared that she wishes she could pass out anywhere like Kim Kardashian:

“Kim has a rare gift that she can fall asleep anywhere — doesn’t matter if it’s loud, quiet, whatever. I don’t have that ability, normally, but on this trip, I’m turning into Kim.”

Khloe found herself sleeping anywhere while on vacation, which turned out to be good. Yet, Kim wanted to make it clear her sleepiness is not part of narcolepsy but rather she is a great sleeper.

A Whimsical Trip

This vacation to India was definitely not planned as Khloe Kardashian and Kim Kardashian had never met the bride and the groom. They did not know either of them but did have a connection through jewelry designer, Lorraine Schwartz. She was very close to the couple and their jewels thus an invitation was extended to the sisters, Kim shared:

“Lorraine Schwartz is one of our good friends — she’s a jeweler — she does jewelry for the Ambani family. She told me that she was going to their wedding and they would love to invite you and we just kinda went on a whim and said sure.”

For Khloe, it was a no-brainer as she knew this was a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” More so, she did it to honor her late father, Robert Kardashian as she was unsure if he ever made it to India. Plus, being able to do it with her sister was an honor. For Khloe, this was the longest she was away from her children whereas Kim felt her four children did not even care if she was home.

Do you understand Khloe’s jealousy over Kim’s talent and do you have the same ability to fall asleep anywhere? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and watch The Kardashians Thursdays on Hulu.

Amanda Lauren

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