‘Sister Wives’: Fans Creeped Out By Kody Brown’s Pet Name For Robyn

Kody Brown and Robyn Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from YouTube

Most Sister Wives fans find Kody and Robyn Brown’s relationship particularly nauseating. But does it borderline on inappropriate at times?

The next episodes of Season 19 may still be weeks away, but Sister Wives fans are still avidly discussing the series online. After pondering the subject for a while, one viewer decided that a pet name Kody calls Robyn is “creepy.”

A Sister Wives Fan Points Out “Creepy” Behavior Between Kody & Robyn

After seeing Kody and Robyn Brown together onscreen for 19 Seasons, most viewers can point to several unsavory moments between the two.

But does a pet name truly border on “creepy?” According to one viewer, it certainly does.

Kody Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from YouTube
Sister Wives/TLC

Although Kody’s relationship with his children has diminished over the years, he once had four wives and 18 children in one family unit. As a result, he took to calling many of the wives “mom.”

But one viewer thinks it’s wildly inappropriate to keep up the charade with Robyn, especially when they’re alone.

“I’m sorry but Kody calling Robyn ‘mom’ is over the top. The creep vibes are strong. And he was never like that with the other women I don’t believe,” one Sister Wives viewer posted online. “Edited to add. I’m not talking about people saying, ‘Go ask your dad or where’s your dad.’ I’m talking ‘Hey Mom, could you bring me a cup of coffee’ and there’s no kids around.”

Not Every Viewer Quite Agreed With The OP

However, most other viewers didn’t agree with the OP’s point of view. Robyn and Kody Brown might not be very popular, but most fans didn’t think this particular pet name was anything to be concerned about.

Many offered differing comments, and some even admitted they call their partner “mom” or “dad,” regardless of whether any children are present. Some even said they call their partner “mom” or “dad” around their pets, even though they don’t have any children at all.

Robyn Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from YouTube
Sister Wives/TLC

Other Sister Wives fans wrote:

  • My boys are grown and out of the house but I still call my husband ‘daddy’ sometimes. None of your business when and where I do this 😍😘😂”
  • Lol my fiance and I call each other Mommy and Daddy for the cats’ sake 🤣🤣🤣”
  • I don’t think this is super weird. It is one of the more normal things I think Kody does. A lot of parents refer to their partner as their parental titles when talking to kids.”
  • My husband’s family does this. His parents still called each other mom and dad long after their kids were grown and out of the house, and my husband calls me mom around our kids.”

What do you think about this Sister Wives discussion? Do you find it odd that Kody refers to Robyn as “mom” even when the children aren’t present? Or do you think it’s perfectly fine? Share your own thoughts in the comments.

Sister Wives Season 19 continues on TLC this spring. Check back soon with TV Shows Ace to keep up with the Browns until then.

Nikole Behrens
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