Why Isn’t A New Episode Of ‘The Rookie’ On Tonight?

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Why isn’t a new episode of The Rookie on tonight, Tuesday, March 4th, 2025? Fans may have checked their schedules and discovered that it was not airing but what will be on in its place? Furthermore, when will the hit ABC series return? Keep reading for more details.

Why Isn’t A New Episode Of The Rookie On Tonight?

The Rookie is now in its seventh season and it is one of the more popular shows on ABC. It is a series that makes people realize that they can pursue their dreams no matter where they are in their lives. This season has been about welcoming new rookies who were not completely transparent. Of course, whenever there are suspicions, they must be interrogated by someone. At the same time, the team has had a lot on their plates this season. From serial killers to manhunts and more, they are consistently challenged which keeps viewers engrossed.

Nathan Fillion-YouTube
Nathan Fillion-YouTube

The last episode aired on February 25th and that just so happened to be the midseason finale. When that happens, it remains unclear when the shows will return. Will it be a long hiatus or be quick? Viewers want the show back ASAP given that the finale ended with a big cliffhanger of Kylie and James being shot. James seems to have a far better chance of surviving whereas Kylie has far more wounds. Therefore, her fate is up in the air. Unfortunately, The Rookie will not be airing this evening due to the Presidential Address to Congress.

Donald Trump Youtube
Donald Trump-YouTube

It will be taking over most local and cable networks so it has preempted the shows that begin at 9 pm EST. The address is set to last 90 minutes but it could go over. Therefore, the Season 7 midseason premiere will have to wait just one more week. It is quite possible that they scheduled it like this, knowing the address would preempt the show. However,  on Tuesday, March 11th, the series will return but in the meantime, fans or newcomers to the series can catch up on episodes via Hulu.

Fans Praise The Series

There is no doubt that The Rookie has an incredible following. Fans have taken to social media to praise the series and suggest awards for the cast. After seven seasons, they have become invested in their stories and what is to come:

  • You know this show should win an Emmy someday and Eric and Melissa needs to win one for playing best onscreen couple for Chenford! ❤️
  • Everyone in this cast deserves an Emmy & an Oscar
  • Just got caught up on this amazing series its really worth putting the time and effort into watching this show lovable characters and best cast fr 🔥👏

At the same time, they have expressed their frustration over the hiatus and understandably so:

  • I’m so excited but so upset we have ti wait 2 week for next episode 😢😢
  • This next episode better be TWO HOURS since you made us wait TWO WEEKS I’m not playing wit u

Hopefully, this anticipation will lead to even more anticipation and possibly newcomers tuning in. Are you bummed that The Rookie is not on tonight but are you ready for the midseason premiere? Let us know and watch the show when it returns on March 11th.

Amanda Lauren

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