Kendall Jenner’s Fans Disturbed By Overwhelming Facial ‘Implants’

Kendall Jenner-YouTube

Kendall Jenner’s fans are utterly disturbed by her overwhelming facial “implants.” Now, the mogul has not copped to having any implants or fillers. Yet, those who have followed and watched her closely are convinced her face has changed rapidly. Keep reading for more on what they are saying.

Kendall Jenner’s Fans Disturbed By Overwhelming Facial ‘Implants’

It has been an extreme evolution for Kendall Jenner. She went from an adorable young child to a woman who looked older beyond her years. Once she hit a certain age, Kendall began modeling as she had a very adult look yet she never copped to having any plastic surgery. In fact, she is hard-pressed to even change up her hair that often. Occasionally, she will chop it into a bob, and a few times she has bleached it, and once, she dyed it red for a fashion show. Yet, Kendall is much more natural than her sisters who enjoy Botox and breast augmentation.

Kendall Jenner-YouTube
Kendall Jenner-YouTube

She is very close to her other Jenner sibling, Kylie who openly has had a breast augmentation. Kylie also indulged in lip fillers. She looked like a woman in her twenties before she left her teens but it appeared she wanted to grow up very fast. The same cannot be said for Kendall who’s the only KarJenner sibling who does not have a child. Her horses are her babies and she likes it that way. However, fans just saw a photo of Kendall and it gave them a jump scare.


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She shared a series of photos on Instagram and the first one attracted the most attention. Fans were taken aback by Kendall Jenner’s plumped-up cheeks and her elongated chin. They firmly felt that she either had too much filler or that she had undergone facial “implants”

  • What happened to her jaw? She got an implant in there?

One person shared why getting an implant would make more sense than filler:

  • My uncle is a plastic surgeon and he tells me that celebrities almost always have implants in their face and not filler

More Kendall Critique

Others noticed how Kendall Jenner had ruined her face and did not even look like herself anymore. They were at the point where they felt that the model needed to stop as she had gone too far. She was looking far older than her years and started going back and forth as to what she had done to herself:

  • I was debating on what she has gotten done in the past year, but I think I can say firmly it’s jawline and cheek filler. She’s obviously gotten lip filler in the past and now, but those other two have caused the biggest change in her face. It’s aged her a ton
  • Jesus Christ, she’s overfilled! She looks like a different person in every picture, save for the cheeks full of testes
  • That’s quite a chin she has there

In the end, it is her face and she can do whatever she wants to it. Do you think she may have gotten an implant or was it just the angle? Let us know and watch The Kardashians Thursdays on Hulu.

Amanda Lauren

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