‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Player Credits Win To Son With Disability

Wheel of Fortune | YouTube

Wheel of Fortune often has big moments that families of all ages can enjoy. This happened on Monday’s episode when a man named Matt Popovits won the game show’s Bonus Puzzle. Matt won good money in the main game and then easily got the Bonus Prize. In the end, he credited his son with the big win.

Here is how Matt won and what he had to say after the game.

Matt Credits Wheel Of Fortune Win To His Son

A man named Matt Popovits was on Wheel of Fortune on Monday, and he had a big win.  During the regular game, Matt played a very good game. The contestants included Kunteia Willis, a Desert Storm/Desert Shield veteran, Jessica Kuharik, a grandmother, and Matt Popvigts, a father of a dyslexic son named Jack.

Wheel Of Fortune: Ryan Seacrest
Wheel Of Fortune: Ryan Seacrest

Jessica won the first puzzle (“Flower Shop”) for $2,000. Matt won the second (Getting My Foot In The Door) for $3,500. Jessica came back with a win in the next round (Women’s College Basketball) for $2,750. Matt got a big win next with “The Cuisine Of The Region” for $14,350 and a trip to Barbados.

By the end of the game, Matt won with $16,350 and a Mexico trip, while Jessica had $6,750, and Kunteia won $6,300. Matt moved on to the Bonus Round and chose “Phrase.”

The Bonus Round had the following letters given to Matt (“-‘- / -LL / T—-S”). Matt chose “BHGA” and ended up with (“-‘- / ALL / TH–BS”). He guessed “I’m All Thumbs” instantly and won $40,000 for a total of $56,350 and the Barbados vacation.

Matt Credits Dyslexic Son For His Success

Matt Popovits wanted to talk about his family when he won on Wheel of Fortune. He also wanted to talk about his son, who encouraged him to apply to play on the game show (via PEOPLE).

“I have two great kids – Ava and Jack,” Matt said. “And when Jack was diagnosed with dyslexia, we said, ‘Let’s watch Wheel as a way of helping him learn to read and spell.’” He revealed that they started watching the show to help Jack, but his son felt his dad was good enough to audition for the show.

“I said, ‘I will if you help me, and he did, and here we are!’,” Matt said.

When Ryan asked Jack what he thought of his dad’s big win, the boy said, “Amazing.” Matt then said, “This will go down as a top ten moment in my 44 years of life… It was sharing that moment with my family and then celebrating it with all of you.”

Matt and his family seemed very excited and happy about their big moment, sharing it together. What are your thoughts about the big win? Let us know in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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