‘My 600-Lb Life’ S2 Zsalynn Whitworth Amazing Life Update

Zsalynn Whitworth From My 600-lb Life, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube

My 600-Lb Life star Zsalynn Whitworth is one of the most inspirational patients of Dr. Now during Season 2. She appeared on the show at 597 pounds. Her weight became a huge problem for her when doing any physical tasks. Unlike many of Dr. Now’s patients, Zsalynn was also unfortunate when it came to her family. She barely had any support throughout her journey but still worked hard towards her goals. Keep reading to see her stunning transformation.

My 600-Lb Life: What Happened To Zsalynn Whitworth During Season 2?

Zsalynn went through many obstacles during her episode. The My 600-Lb Life star had issues with her husband, who wanted her to continue gaining weight. He said that he has a fetish for larger-bodied women, leaving a lot of viewers disturbed. He even refused to help his wife with her weight loss regimens. Despite the hurdles, Zsalynn worked even harder and eventually dropped 248 pounds. She also had her excess skin removed and ended her episode at 250 pounds.

Zsalynn Whitworth From My 600-lb Life, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube
Zsalynn Whitworth From My 600-lb Life, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube

Zsalynn’s Big Life Update

Zsalynn Whitworth has been in touch with the fans on social media amid her successful weight loss journey. Many of her posts today are about her daughter. The My 600-Lb Life star also uses Instagram as a platform to advocate dog rescuing. She also hustles online by selling clothes. Zsalynn has yet to share her current weight. Her last photo was taken in November 2024, showing that she’s still living a healthy lifestyle. Many fans also commended her dedication to maintaining a good weight after everything she went through.

Zsalynn Whitworth From My 600-lb Life, TLC, Sourced From @zsalynn Instagram
Zsalynn Whitworth From My 600-lb Life, TLC, Sourced From @zsalynn Instagram
  • “Wishing you only the best. Have thought of you and your journey many times over the last 10 years. You can be proud of all you have accomplished and that you continue to be a wonderful Mom.”
  • “<3 <3 <3 best episode, so proud of you!”
  • “I’m from Brazil, I’m watching your episode of the show, and I came to your profile just to tell you that I admire you a lot and I was very happy to know that everything went right in your life”

My 600-Lb Life: Zsalynn Whitworth Shares Stunning Photo

Zsalynn Whitworth eventually divorced her husband after she transformed herself. It’s unclear if she’s dating someone new today. But it’s clear that the My 600-Lb Life star has focused more on herself. In March 2024, Zsalynn made headlines after sharing a half-body photo of herself, showing off her huge weight loss.

Zsalynn Whitworth From My 600-lb Life, TLC, Sourced From @zsalynn Instagram
Zsalynn Whitworth From My 600-lb Life, TLC, Sourced From @zsalynn Instagram
  • “Respect 💪🏻🙌🏻 You are a great, strong woman with a lot of heart❤️. Kind regards from Austria Vienna!”
  • “You look great! You’re such a bad ass! Your attitude is top tier. You navigated everything with such grace and authenticity. Thank you for sharing your journey. Everyone is cheering for you & wishing the best. You go girl! ♥️”
  • “I just saw your episode and feel so very proud of you❤️❤️❤️ you’re a strong woman and amazing mom, I love you !!”

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