Hearties Want Melissa Gilbert Full Time On ‘WCTH’ To Replace Alum

Photo: Melissa Gilbert Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Jeff Weddell

Now that the WCTH Season 12, Episode 6 “When Autumn Leaves Begin To Fall” has aired, Hearties want to see Melissa Gilbert’s character Georgie McGill to be on the Hallmark series full time. Why do these superfans wish to see the Little House On The Prairie star a regular on When Calls The Heart?

Which alum do they think Melissa replaces?

Melissa Gilbert WCTH - YouTube
Melissa Gilbert WCTH – YouTube

Hearties Think Melissa Gilbert Is Good Replacement For Lori Loughlin

Now that Hallmark has premiered Melissa Gilbert’s first When Calls The Heart Season 12 episode, “When Autumn Leaves Begin To Fall,” Hearties are gushing. Moreover, they found someone warm and comforting on the Hallmark Channel. They believe that the Little House On The Prairie star has replaced Lori Loughlin. Like Loughlin, Gilbert brings a star quality to the series. She is a very special actress who fans grew up with.

In one Hearties Facebook group, a fan started the conversation. “Did anyone get the feeling that since they can’t have Abigail back they went with Melissa Gilbert?!” The responses were all affirmative.

  • Yes please!!
  • I like Melissa…she still has the little girl voice she had as a child.
  • I would love to see her as a regular on the show. She was great.
  • She is a wonderful good love interest for Bill.
  • I think she should. All of Season 12 has been filmed, so maybe she can talk them into keeping her in Season 13.
  • She’s a great actress.

Melissa portrays Georgie McGill. She is a forensic accounting investigator with the Royal Canadian Mountie Police. She is a woman who works in a man’s world. Moreover, she and Jack Wagner’s Bill Avery have a past. The two went to school together. In this episode, she admits that she was disappointed that he was never interested in her. As for Bill, he was interested all right. But, he didn’t pursue her as they were working professionally and he didn’t think she was interested in him.

Photo: Jack Wagner, Melissa Gilbert Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Jeff Weddell
Photo: Jack Wagner, Melissa Gilbert Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Jeff Weddell

Melissa Gilbert Wants To See Where The Bill And Georgie Relationship Goes

Although Melissa Gilbert has only starred in one episode of When Calls The Heart Season 12, there is no doubt that there are sparks between her character and Jack Wagner’s Bill Avery. Melissa told Entertainment Weekly that she wanted to see this relationship through.

I would love to see what happens with Bill and Georgie going forward, because it is left as a romantic cliffhanger–will-they, won’t-they? are they, aren’t they?

That would mean returning for Season 13, assuming that Hallmark gives another season the green light. Furthermore, Jack Wagner has asked for a love interest for his character for years.

Hearties, do you think Melissa Gilbert replaces Lori Loughlin’s special energy? Would you like to see more of her in a future season of WCTH?

Georgia Makitalo

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