‘Baylen Out Loud’ Spoilers: Are Colin and Baylen Still Together?

Colin Dooley, Baylen Dupree-Instagram

Are Baylen Out Loud stars, Baylen Dupree and her boyfriend, Colin Dooley still together? They have had a rough season regarding making big decisions and choosing what’s best for their future. So, did it end up tearing them apart? Keep reading for more details as to where they stand now.

Baylen Out Loud: Are Colin and Baylen Still Together?

Colin Dooley has brought something very special to Baylen Dupree’s life. They have been together for two years and he accepts her as she is. At first, it was a tad strange to go out and have people look at them in public due to her tics. She has a severe case of Tourette syndrome and it can come on hard at any point in time. Fortunately, Colin has taken it in stride and loves Baylen regardless which has been seen on the hit reality series, Baylen Out Loud. The one thing that Baylen has strived for was independence away from her parents which Colin could offer her.

Colin, Baylen Dupree-YouTube
Colin Dooley, Baylen Dupree-YouTube

He needed a roommate in Washington, D.C. and that was where Baylen planned to move. That was when Colin asked if she would want to live with him. He understood what she needed and how things could get messy but he was up to the challenge. Her father was unsure this could work out as he is fiercely protective of her. They also met with Colin’s family which did not go as planned. So, after all of this, did it cause the couple to have second thoughts and force them to take some time apart?

Nope. Colin Dooley and Baylen Dupree and still very much happily in love. Every Monday night, the couple gets into their pajamas and watches Baylen Out Loud, as she shared on her TikTok. This is something they enjoy doing and added she was excited for the Monday, February 10th episode. Baylen noted the tension between her father and Colin but was ready for that to end. Yet, it keeps viewers invested because both men adore her.

Fans Love Them Together

Since Baylen Out Loud began, fans have loved Colin Dooley and Baylen Dupree together. They think they are the sweetest and adore how Colin appreciates his girlfriend and honors her needs:

  • Your Dad is such a good man! I also see that Collin has your best intentions at heart. Y’all are so cute.
  • Watching now and I’m so happy for you and Colin!
  • Been watching. Oh girl, my heart! That man LOVES you! I am yelling at the TV to your amazing parents, THIS IS THE MOST INCREDIBLE MAN!!!! You are so lucky my girl! ❤️

It seems that Baylen has the love and support from her fans, not just with her romance but with her incredible family. Hopefully, she can keep the momentum going because fans want a Season 2.

Are you happy that Baylen and Colin are still together? Let us know and watch Baylen Out Loud Mondays on TLC.

Amanda Lauren


  1. YES I want Season 2 of Baylon Out Loud! She’s adorable and I am sure Colin totally loves her completely! My Son has Tourette’s since he’s been 10. My other son has extremely bad OCD so i know how hard these kids struggle. I truly hope they live together and eventually get married! Please TLC have a Season 2!

  2. It shows you the day to day struggles people with tourettes face. I had no idea prior to watching the program just how hard it is. My heart broke when I saw her punch the shelves in her local store, not once but three times because of her ADHD. She really hurt herself. Then the Airport scene. Heartbreaking. It also shows the other side of things from her families point of view, which is so important. What an incredible family. Thanks for the insight, hopefully make people more aware.

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