‘Sister Wives’ Janelle Causes Fans To Question Garrison’s Timeline

Janelle Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from YouTube

Sister Wives fans know that Garrison Brown passed away on March 5, 2024, by taking his own life. At some point, his mother Janelle Brown moved to North Carolina to explore her dreams of owning a flower farm.

But what isn’t clear is when Janelle actually left Flagstaff. Last March, fans were certain she still lived in the city when Garrison died. However, she mentioned something in Sunday night’s episode that left viewers scratching their heads.

Read on to learn more.

Sister Wives Fans Aren’t Sure About The Order Of Events

In the year since Garrison’s death, Sister Wives fans have seen his surviving family honor him in a wide range of ways. Janelle Brown often shares her favorite memories of her son. No matter what happened to the family, she and her son remained incredibly close.

Janelle Brown and Garrison Brown from Instagram
Janelle Brown/Instagram

However, fans felt a little confused after hearing Janelle speak about Garrison on Sunday night’s episode as if he were still alive. Many Sister Wives fans were under the impression Janelle moved to North Carolina after he passed away, but now it’s unclear.

“Confused about [the] timeline regarding tonight’s episode,” a Sister Wives viewer posted on the platform.In tonight’s episode Janelle is leaving Flagstaff and moving to NC. She says she’s leaving behind Gabe, Garrison, and Savanah. First question do we know who Savanah lived with and why she stayed when Janelle left? Also curious about the night Garrison passed. It seemed like Janelle was in Flagstaff at the time? Did she split her time between NC and Flagstaff or just go back often?”


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Viewers Admitted They Also Felt Puzzled Over The Scene

In general, other Sister Wives viewers admitted they also found the episode confusing. All season long, it’s been clear that TLC didn’t wish to do much with Garrison’s passing. After briefly acknowledging his death in the season premiere, they’ve otherwise edited him out of scenes.

Many viewers suspected the network even forced the family to completely refilm scenes. Was this another example?

Other Reddit users wrote:

  • Same. Also it was my understanding she initially asked Kody and Gabe to check on Garrison after receiving a strange text from him and of course Kody told Gabe to check alone because Kody was just too busy to be bothered.”
  • “This is the first I’ve heard that Janelle reached out to Kody. It was released that Garrison had added Kody and Dayton to the production group text that someone called Janelle about. It would be totally in character for Kody to have ignored both Garrison and Janelle.”
  • I hadn’t heard that. The story at the time was she asked Gabe who did go and found the worst news. then he went to get Kody who didn’t come back to the house with him.”

Did Sunday night’s episode also puzzle you? Add your own thoughts in the conversation below.

Follow TV Shows Ace online to keep up with the Brown family. Stay tuned for more news and updates on the upcoming tell-all, set to premiere on TLC this spring.

Nikole Behrens
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