Fan Lets Savannah Chrisley Have It With Cold, Hard Truth

Savannah Chrisley-YouTube

A fan is not holding back when it comes to Savannah Chrisley and they let her have it with the cold, hard truth. She has been getting a lot of heat recently and people are not being that kind regarding her and her family. So, what did this follower have to say? Keep reading for more details.

Fan Lets Savannah Chrisley Have It With Cold, Hard Truth

Savannah Chrisley has been working on getting her parents, Todd and Julie Chrisley out of prison since they first went in. They have been locked up since January 2023 and will be there for a combined total of nineteen years. Julie was sentenced to seven years whereas Todd was sentenced to twelve years. Currently, Julie is in Kentucky while Todd is in Pensacola. It has been a nightmare for Todd which Savannah has spoken about on her podcast, Unlocked. Currently, he is in the process of being transferred which is a blessing and a curse.

Todd Chrisley, Julie Chrisley-YouTube
Todd Chrisley, Julie Chrisley-YouTube

Savannah has made it known that she is going the distance to try and free her parents. Julie had a resentencing which did not work out the way that they hoped. Therefore, Savannah has hopes the president will be able to help her and her fans have been nothing but encouraging. They have suggested that she take it to the top and that is exactly what she is doing. Then, others think she needs to stop complaining so much and be grateful that her parents are still alive. One fan wanted to let Savannah know how lucky she was so they sent her a message on social media.

Savannah Chrisley-Reddit
Savannah Chrisley-Reddit

The fan started a Reddit thread to share this message that they sent Savannah Chrisley. They wanted to let her know that they just buried their father. At 29, they will never see their dad again and are tired of hearing Savannah whining and complaining. She can see, email, and call her parents so she is luckier than most but does not appreciate what she has. So, did fellow Chrisley Knows Best fans agree or did they feel for Savannah?

Way To Go

Many followers were proud of the fan for sending the message and harsh wake-up call to Savannah Chrisley. They felt that this was the perfect message for the podcaster and it was time someone said this to her. Furthermore, they wondered if the fan got a response:

  • It IS getting freaking old. Along with her maintaining their innocence. Sassy needs to stfu.
  • Whoa. That’s intense. Good for you — and my best wishes to you.
  • I’m so sorry about your loss, OP 💕 good for you for calling out Savannah. I hope she sees it and shuts up.
  • Haaaaaaa that’s amazing! She def won’t respond and if you aren’t blocked you will be. Would be nice if she acknowledged your mesg, but will never happen!

Time will tell if Savannah will acknowledge this person’s pain and see how fortunate she actually is. Do you think this person was right for doing what they did and is Savannah not seeing the big picture? Let us know in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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