Drew Carey Reveals Hardest ‘Price Is Right’ Games

Drew Carey | YouTube

Out of all the game shows on television, The Price is Right seems to be the one with the most luck needed to win. When a person wins on Contestant’s Row, they never know what game they will have to play. Drew Carey knows that some of the games are much more difficult than others, though, and he has given his thoughts on the hardest ones.

Here are the games that Drew knows will give the players the most problems.

Drew Carey Calls Out Toughest Games On Price Is Right

There are several games on The Price is Right that relies solely on luck. Some games have people making guesses on prices that mostly require knowledge of the products. However, others involve hoping something goes just right in a puzzle or there are ones where a person has to guess which to choose with no hints or help.

The Price Is Right: Drew Carey
The Price Is Right: Drew Carey

Drew Carey has been hosting the show for 17 years now. He is only the second host after Bob Barker served in the role for its entire opening run. With the 10,000th episode coming up, the show has remained consistent concerning its hosts. This allows Drew to get to know the puzzles pretty well. He knows when a player will struggle.

“There’s a couple games where I’m like, ‘Oh, they’re going to have a tough time,’” Drew said (via TV Insider). “Because there’s a couple games that are really hard to win.”

The first game he mentioned was “Stack The Deck.” This is a game that is often played for a car. The contestant is shown seven playing cards with numbers on them. Five of the seven make up the price of the car. The players then look at grocery items and guess which corresponds to a price. Each one they get right gives them a chance to fill in the prices of the car. After filling in three, they have to guess the last two numbers.

Drew Carey Talks Hard Games On Price Is Right

Drew Carey said he sees these games coming and knows there will be struggles. Stack the Deck is notorious amongst fans for how hard it is to win. There’s another one called That’s Too Much that has a low win rate,” Drew said. “So when I see those, I’m like, ‘Oh man, you’re stuck with a tough one.’”

Drew Carey | YouTube
Drew Carey | YouTube

“That’s Too Much” is another game played for a car. In this one, a contestant is shown 10 prices for a car in ascending order, one by one. The player wins the car when they can guess if the first price revealed is higher than the actual price by saying, “That’s too much!”

Drew said he prefers to see players playing “Cliff Hangers.” “Even though the money on Cliff Hangers isn’t great compared to the other pricing games we have – you don’t get a car if you’re playing Cliffhangers or anything like that, but it’s totally winnable,” Drew said.

In “Cliff Hangers,” players have a gameboard with a mountain slope, and the players guess the prices of items one by one as the climber on the board moves up the cliff. How high the player rises determines the final prize.

What do you think is the hardest Price is Right game? Let us know in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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