‘Family Feud’ Steve Harvey Slams Contestant For Buzzer Mistake

Steve Harvey | YouTube

The rules on The Family Feud are pretty simple. However, on a recent episode of the popular game show, a woman was there to answer a question, but she made a big mistake with the buzzer. After this, she messed up again, and Steve Harvey finally had to call her out on it and ask her to stop touching the buzzer.

Here is what happened with the woman making a buzzer mistake and why Steve had to speak up.

Woman Has Buzzer Failure On Family Feud

This episode of The Family Feud had the Wallace family battling the Samoylo family. Hilda (Wallace family) went up to the buzzer for the next question, and Steve got ready to read the question to the two players. However, Hilda was a little too quick on the buzzer. That was just the start.

Family Feud: Steve Harvey
Family Feud: Steve Harvey

Steve said, “A woman should probably not do what when…” Hilda then hit her buzzer. Since she hit the buzzer, Steve immediately stopped talking and looked to her for the answer. She stood there and seemed to be waiting for Steve to finish, and the timer buzzer went off to give her a miss.

After this, Steve turned to Charles and finished the question. “A woman should probably not do what when she’s nine months pregnant?” he asked. As Charles began to give his guess, Hilda hit her buzzer again, but this time it didn’t make a sound.

Steve glanced at Hilda and said, “Stop hitting your damn button. You had your damn turn.” Charles answered, “Go Paracuting.” It was the first option, and he decided to go on the offense. Steve then stopped before moving on and smacked the buzzer. “This light won’t come on,” Steve said mockingly. “That’s cause it ain’t your turn no more.”

Family Feud Fans Laugh About Buzzer Error

Family Feud fans swarmed into the comments and began to make jokes about the entire situation.

Here is a look at what some of the fans said:

  • “This game is called ‘Family Feud.’ This ain’t ‘Hit the buzzer.’”
  • “Stop hitting your damn button, you had your damn turn!”
  • “Buzzer” moments are some of the best iconic moments – besides Steve himself – of Family Feud.”

The most ironic thing about this buzzer error was that it didn’t hurt Hilda’s team. Charles’ family went through the rounds and ended up with three strikes while there were still a few answers on the board. It went back over to Hilda’s family, and they got one of them right to win the question.

What are your thoughts on the Family Feud buzzer screwup on this episode? Are you surprised that the family was able to come back to win again? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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