Is ‘Baylen Out Loud’ Fake Or Real?

Baylen Dupree-YouTube

Is TLC’s new hit series, Baylen Out Loud fake or is it real? Some viewers have questioned if Baylen Dupree’s Tourette syndrome is as severe as she alleges that it is. She has one of the worst cases of the neurological disorder which has people stopping and staring but is it all an act for television? Keep reading for more details.

Is Baylen Out Loud Fake Or Real?

Since Baylen Dupree first began on social media, she has not been ashamed of her Tourette syndrome. She has a very severe case of it but does not care. Baylen wants to show the reality of the neurological disorder that causes tics. She will scream curse words or anything that has gotten stuck in her head for any given reason at any given time. It is uncontrollable and this is something she has learned to live with as have her parents and siblings. This has made her a fan favorite on TikTok and Instagram.

Baylen Dupree-YouTube
Baylen Dupree-YouTube

However, many wonder if it is all an act. They have long questioned if she was faking how dramatic her tics were and if she was exaggerating them. She has long maintained that this is sincere and she has been transparent about what she has gone through for years. This is not a joke for her but followers are still extremely negative:

  • Looks more like ADHD to me
  • i mean there’s nobody who believes this isn’t incredibly performative. right???
  • So you’ve been faking like we all knew ?
  • I think it’s fake
  • You do not have Tourette’s. Sorry. Your correct diagnosis is social media psychosis. Body language experts group planning to expose you on YouTube. Confess now

Regardless of the backlash that Baylen Dupree has received, she refuses to let it get her down. She wants to use this platform to show that her diagnosis does not define who she is. More so, she wants to put a positive spin on Tourette’s as she has a boyfriend, Colin who is incredibly loving and supportive. Plus, she wants to live on her own and not feel co-dependent.


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Baylen’s Reality

Loren Brovarnik of 90 Day Fiance fame also has Tourette syndrome. She recently commented on Baylen Dupree’s social media in support of the reality star:

  • My Tourette Syndrome case is different, just like everyone who has it – every case, every tick and twitch is different. Mine are more motor and physical than verbal – but I curse just bc I like it! ❤️

Baylen has also amassed many fans and followers who adore her and the awareness that she is raising. They have followed her for years and will keep watching her as she embarks on this new journey. Hopefully, many doubters will start to see that this is who Baylen really is and appreciate what she is doing for her community.

Have you ever questioned the legitimacy of Baylen’s Tourette’s? Let us know and watch Baylen Out Loud Mondays on TLC.

Amanda Lauren


  1. it’s fake simple; all reality shows are trash and bogus fake and this is another; so cancel them all…. another BS show for worthless people who seem to thrive on layers of drama Bullshit

  2. If you cuss because you like it, can you stop saying penis and other things so as not to embarrass your boyfriend when you are out in public? You acted terribly when your boyfriend tried to do something funny for your birthday. You are doing pretty good but if you are to have any kind of life you should really do the deep brain treatment. I hope things go well for you Love your new apartment.

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