‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Fans Trash Production For Cheap Prize Trips

Wheel Of Fortune: Ryan Seacrest

Wheel Of Fortune fans have had a lot to gripe about this season when it comes to the popular game show. For once, viewers left Ryan out of the banter, as they instead went after production and the cheap prize trips. So, what did fans have to say recently?

Wheel Of Fortune Fans Have Gone After Ryan Seacrest All Season Long

With the current season of Wheel Of Fortune on the air introducing Ryan Seacrest as the new host, Ryan had a target on his back long before he even hosted his first episode of the popular game show. He has been under an incredible amount of scrutiny all season long, and that does not appear to be stopping anytime soon.

Ryan Seacrest has done his best to put his own spin on the way he approaches hosting. However, anytime he has tried to put his own spin on things, he has faced a lot of backlash from Wheel Of Fortune fans. Even so, that also has not stopped him from showing up and doing his own thing regardless.

Wheel Of Fortune: Ryan Seacrest
Wheel Of Fortune: Ryan Seacrest/YouTube

Fans Give Ryan A Break, Go After Production Instead

While Ryan Seacrest has been an easy target for fans all season long, based on recent discussion from Wheel Of Fortune watchers, many commenters went in on production instead. More specifically, viewers went after what they see as cheap prize trips for contestants who successfully win those prizes over the course of the game.

There is a lively discussion about whether or not the show has lost sponsors as the reason behind this apparent drop in trip quality. However, others have pointed out that most of the vacations cost $7k and above, even if it may be to somewhere like Ohio and not Spain.

Wheel Of Fortune: Ryan Seacrest

Wheel Of Fortune Fans Roast Production For Cheap Trips

It turns out, Wheel Of Fortune fans had a lot to say about the perceived drop in quality of prize trips, and many commenters were not shy about making their opinions known.

Wheel Of Fortune: Ryan Seacrest
Wheel Of Fortune: Ryan Seacrest/YouTube
  • One commenter said: “It seems this season has had a few duds, in both $ amounts and actual trips. Like on cruise week she won a trip on a Bahamas cruise on the wheel, and then the prize puzzle was… a trip to the Bahamas on a cruise? They couldn’t even have the two trips be different cruises? Trips to Atlantic City, Vermont? They all seem to only be worth $7,000 too, compared to previous trips sometimes being $10-13k to more exotic locations.”
  • Another commenter said: “And it looks like you’re going on………another cruise to the Bahamas!! Even Ryan was like ummmm alright then.”
  • A third person chimed in, adding: “There was one day last year where they were sending them to Chicago… I laughed audibly and it’s a running joke between my and my girlfriend to win a fabulous trip to Chicago in mid January.”

What do you think about the quality of trips nowadays on the popular game show? Let us know in the comments below.

For all the latest Wheel Of Fortune news, come back again to TV Shows Ace for more.

Evan Morgan

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