Kody Brown EXPOSED By Fan Who Asked For Parenting Advice

Kody Brown - Sister Wives

Sister Wives patriarch, Kody Brown has made many questionable parenting choices through the years. Undoubtedly, having four wives and eighteen kids, he had plenty of opportunities to learn from his mistakes. However, one fan has exposed him by sharing his parenting advice.

Kody Brown Doesn’t Mind Imparting His Knowledge

Lately, some Sister Wives fans have seen that Kody Brown is all about offering advice. Seemingly, he even could be attempting to be a life coach after all the fallout he has seen in his family. Furthermore, if Kody can make money from talking, it seems to be a winning gig. Although his track record isn’t stellar with kids, one fan took time to hear him out on parenting. However, it exposed him in the process.

Kody Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from YouTube
Kody Brown – Sister Wives

Kody Brown EXPOSED By Fan Who Asked For Parenting Advice

On Reddit, one Sister Wives fan reposted a Cameo video Kody Brown created for new parents. However, the user suspects the fan was fishing for advice that could expose Kody. Undeniably, his words were clear that he struggles with his children. Correspondingly, the user says, “I’m sure whoever did this really wanted to actually expose him or see what ironic advice he had to give. No one normal would go to Kody for parenting advice.”

Kody Brown's bad parenting exposed by fan. - Reddit
Kody Brown’s bad parenting was exposed by a fan. – Reddit

Kody reveals how wonderful he thinks babies are since they are “vulnerable” and easy to love. But he warns the new parents that as their new baby boy gets older they should “never allow” him to do anything to them that will make them “resent” him. Seemingly, he was speaking from his experience where his older children have “caused” him to resent them. Likewise, he lets them know they need to “manage” their relationship as a parent. However, he says, “Love, adoration, kindness, and understanding,” are key. But he inserts how important discipline and respect are. Additionally, he tells the infant parents they have to be sure to love the child “enough” that they will respect them in the future.


Fans Added Their Thoughts

After hearing Kody Brown’s take on parenting, many fans couldn’t believe anyone would contribute to him making more money. However, others were astounded that his view included blaming his kids.

  • One takeaway was, “Love them unless it’s inconvenient. Gotcha.”
  • “This is an outrageous comment, I’m so sad for his kids, it’s heartbreaking. He also needs to stop with the lip fillers it’s so distracting.”
  • “Don’t allow your children to do anything that makes you resent them is the most hilariously narcissistic statement I’ve ever heard 😂.”
  • “I don’t care about that it’s just weird that snarkers are PAYING for content to snark on.”

Do you think the Cameo was a setup to ask Kody Brown for parenting advice and then expose him? What do you think about his advice? Are you ready to see if Kody reunites with more of his kids in Sister Wives? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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