Hallmark Shares More Details On ‘WCTH’ Season 12, Episode 3 ‘All That Glitters’

Photo: Erin Krakow, Kevin McGarry Credit: ©2025 Hallmark Media FOR

Hallmark Media has shared more information on the upcoming WCTH Season 12, Episode 3, “All That Glitters.” The tagline is “Nathan plans a proper date with Elizabeth.” Will the Mountie finally take the schoolteacher out on a proper date? He may have the intention, but this relationship always takes a backset to duty. Moreover, both Nathan and Elizabeth have some sleuthing to do.

Here are all the details.

Photo: Kevin McGarry, Erin Krakow Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs
Photo: Kevin McGarry, Erin Krakow Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

What Is WCTH Season 12, Episode 3 ‘All That Glitters’ About?

On Friday, Hallmark Media shared an expanded synopsis for WCTH Season 12, Episode 3, “All That Glitters.” Here is the updated information. “Elizabeth and Nathan uncover Oliver’s secret. Rosemary worries that Lee is hiding something and enlists Elizabeth’s help to find the truth. Nathan gets dating advice from an unlikely source and decides to take Elizabeth on a proper date. When reporters cause trouble for Lucas, he goes on a listening tour, where he finds himself face-to-face with Edie Martel – the woman who jeopardized his plans for the national park. Former schoolyard bully, Earl Wyatt, returns to Hope Valley, piquing Allie’s interest.”

Photo: Pascale Hutton, Erin Krakow Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs
Photo: Pascale Hutton, Erin Krakow Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Ricardo Hubbs

More Information On WCTH ‘All That Glitters’

The newly expanded synopsis for the upcoming WCTH episode certainly fills in some blank spots. However, Hearties will need to watch to see who suggests that Nathan court Elizabeth. Moreover, the previews suggest that this date night may be postponed. That is because the Mountie and the schoolteacher are obsessed with uncovering Oliver’s secret.

Also, Elizabeth has been tasked by Rosemary to help her solve what is happening with Lee. It can be assumed that the latest friction between Lee and Governor Bouchard is the reason Lee is acting in some very strange ways. It does not help that Hickam does not have a poker face and adds to the tension.

Speaking of Lucas, the photos that the network provided includes Chris McNally’s character wearing a sort of brownish-red banded hat. Is he going undercover? It certainly looks like that is his intention. It also looks like the Fiona-look-alike, Edie has spotted him. Could sparks start flying?

Lastly, this season is going to focus on the younger Hope Valley residents. These storylines will add to the series.

Photo: Chris McNally Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Jeff Weddell
Photo: Chris McNally Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Jeff Weddell

When Is The Premiere Of ‘All That Glitters’?

The WCTH premiere of Season 12, Episode 3 “All That Glitters” is on Sunday, January 19, at 9 p.m., Eastern, on the Hallmark Channel. This episode will be available for Peacock subscribers up to 72 hours after the premiere. Lastly, Hallmark+ will drop this episode on Monday, January 20, for those subscribers.

Photo: Miranda MacDougall Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Jeff Weddell
Photo: Miranda MacDougall Credit: ©2024 Hallmark Media/Photographer: Jeff Weddell

WCTH Fans, are you ready for “All That Glitters”?

Georgia Makitalo

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