‘Sister Wives’ Does Christine’s Dad Still Live Polygamist Lifestyle?

Christine Brown Woolley and dad, Rex Allred. - Sister Wives

After Sister Wives fans saw that Christine Brown Woolley’s dad, Rex Allred, was in attendance at her wedding, some questions arose. One is, does Rex still live as part of the Apostolic United Brethren polygamist lifestyle?

Sister Wives Shows Christine Brown Woolley’s Parents Together

In the latest episode of Sister Wives, Christine Brown Woolley and David Woolley tied the knot. Among the attendees were both Christine’s mom, Ruth Anne Stevens, and her dad, Rex Allred. However, Christine and Annie were estranged for many years because of the embarrassment she felt after she left her dad. But they reconnected and were on good terms at the wedding. Some fans might remember that Kody Brown was attracted to Christine’s “royal” status within the AUB. Rex’s dad, Rulon Allred, was the prophet and one of the founders of the church.

Christine Brown talking to her dad, Rex Allred. - TLC Sister Wives
Christine Brown talking to her dad, Rex Allred. – TLC Sister Wives

At the wedding, both Christine’s mom and dad shared sweet sentiments about her. However, fans were surprised they both were there and wondered if Rex still practices polygamy.

Does Christine’s Dad Still Live Polygamist Lifestyle?

On Reddit, one Sister Wives fan noted how surprised they were that both Christine Brown’s mom and dad were present. Likewise, it led to the user inquiring about Rex Allred and his current status with polygamy.

Does Rex Allred still practice polygamy? - Reddit
Does Rex Allred still practice polygamy? – Reddit
  • Another user adds, “Christine’s Dad had only one wife after Annie left.”
  • Someone else adds, “Ohh interesting since he was considered polygamy royalty.”

Even though Rex seemingly still believes in the practice of polygamy, he never chose to take an additional wife after Annie left.

Sister Wives Discusses Rex And Annie

During a Sister Wives episode in Season 8, Annie Stevens shared her story of marrying Rex Allred. Notably, she was 17 years old when they married and admitted she “didn’t even like him.” She was six months pregnant when she graduated high school. After 11 years of marriage being the first wife, Annie explains they courted the girl next door. Since they believed having another wife was the ticket to heaven, they quickly began the courting process. Rex and Annie added their new wife when Christine Brown Woolley was 5. Sadly, Christine’s world was “wrecked” when Annie left the faith and the marriage.


The Brown family goes to help move Christine’s mom in with her and she talks about her own poly marriage and divorce. #sisterwivestiktok #sisterwives #christinebrown #christinebrownsisterwives #janellebrown

♬ original sound – kristycox555

Rex Allred May Have Been A Polygamist Out Of Obligation

Although Sister Wives only touches on Rex Allred’s life, there has been talk of Christine Brown Woolley’s royal status in the church. Notably, there was a documentary filmed in 2007 about the family before Sister Wives started which featured Annie’s story. Likewise, Hulu released a documentary, Daughters of the Cult, covering parts of Christine’s uncle, Ervil Allred’s murderous streak. The murders included her grandfather, Rulon Allred. Some Redditors revisited the lineage that ties them to polygamist royalty.

  • “I mean, he’s royalty as much as Christine is. But it was the generation before him that were the leaders. Rex’s dad, and then his uncle (who, I think, was Annie’s stepdad… so technically she was also royalty). I have always wondered if Rex was only a polygamist because it was expected of him. Because after Annie left, he could have found another wife, but didn’t.
  • Additionally, another Redditor connected that Robyn’s ex, David Preston Jessop is a grandson of Rulon Allred. “Right, I think Robyn’s ex husband is one of his grandkids, too. So he was also ‘royalty’ in Kody’s head.”

#sisterwives #christinebrown #polygamy

♬ American Beauty – Thomas Newman

While Sister Wives showed in the last episode that Rex Allred approved of Christine Brown’s new husband, David Woolley, seemingly Kody Brown never measured up. Likewise, some people believe Rex was the reason Kody was kicked out of the church.

Why do you think that Rex Allred chose not to take another wife? Do you think Rex was the reason behind Kody Brown’s excommunication, not just his hair? Are you ready to see more episodes of Sister Wives? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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