‘Gold Rush’ Tony Beets Separating Himself From Co-Stars

Gold Rush | YouTube

While most people like to talk about Parker Schnabel as the whiz kid from Gold Rush, he isn’t the best miner on the show. While Parker is young and very successful, Tony Beets has been doing this the longest and is just as successful now as he was in his younger days. This season, he is proving that.

Here is how Tony has distanced himself from his Gold Rush co-stars.

Tony Beets Having A Great Season On Gold Rush

Tony Beets is having a great season on Gold Rush this year. This should come as no surprise, but the fact is that the other miners on the show are struggling to make it to the end. Meanwhile, Tony is coasting along like any other season and proving why he remains the king of the Alaskan miners.

Tony Beets from Gold Rush / YouTube
Tony Beets

Known as the King of Klondike, Tony Beets continues to break his records every week. While fellow gold miners Parker Schnabel, Rick Ness, and his son, Kevin Beets, struggle to find gold at Dominion, Tony is thriving. Tony found 849 ounces in just three weeks.

Tony’s Indian River claim has almost always offered consistent gold yields, and his Sluice plant also provides a lot. He carefully plans all his moves and sets strict deadlines to reach his goals, leaving no room for error, which differs greatly from someone like Rick Ness, who often makes rash, questionable decisions.

This season, Tony had to stop mining operations after the conveyor smashed into the hopper feeder. However, he didn’t flinch and lept into action, calling his son for help. Tony used the steel plates to divert the water before it could wash gold from dirt. Two days later, they bagged 255.38 ounces ($640,000).

Tony overcame everything and has pulled 1,105 ounces, more than any other miner.

Parker Schnabel & Rick Ness Struggling On Gold Rush

This is very different from the other miners on the show. Tony Beets’ son Kevin has his own claim this season. He wants to break out from under his dad’s shadow, and rightfully so. However, he quickly saw a truck break down and had to pay Parker Schnabel over $100,000 for a replacement.

Gold Rush Tony Beets- YouTube
Gold Rush Tony Beets- YouTube

Parker, for all his previous success, is also struggling. He set a massive goal for the year but hasn’t found anywhere near enough to reach that goal. With equipment breaking down and his crew growing frustrated, Parker might see his empire falling apart.

Rick Ness’s problems remain numerous. His renewal for the water license on his claim was denied. If he can’t get that reversed, he will lose this land in 2025. It also doesn’t help that he spent all his money on a new pump, only to learn he bought the wrong kind.

What are your thoughts on Tony Beets this season on Gold Rush? Is it any surprise that he is the only person thriving this season? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Shawn Lealos
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