Whitney Way Thore Reveals She Has The Testosterone Of A Man

Whitney Way Thore - MBFFL

My Big Fat Fabulous Life star, Whitney Way Thore sometimes misses the mark when she reaches out to her fans. However, other times, she hits the nail on the head. In one personal moment, she reveals many things about herself, including she has the testosterone of a man.

Whitney Way Thore Wants To Connect With Fans

Recently, My Big Fat Fabulous Life star, Whitney Way Thore has been interacting with fans frequently. While some of her content can get a little weird for fans at times, she admittedly is confident in who she is. But many fans adore interacting with her and her blunt answers. On social media, Whitney opened up about having the testosterone of a man.

Whitney Way Thore - MBFFL
Whitney Way Thore – MBFFL

Whitney Way Thore Tells A Little Bit Of Everything

On Instagram, Whitney Way Thore takes on a hefty Q&A session in which she reveals many things about herself. During her segment, she talks a little about everything.

Whitney Way Thore's prospective date already was in a relationship. - Instagram
Whitney Way Thore’s prospective date already was in a relationship. – Instagram

Sadly, the guy from last season had a girlfriend, so nothing came about. She bounced around and talked about international dating, favorite things to do on dates, and even a guy going on a “German pickle hunt” for her that didn’t end with the right selection. Furthermore, she admits that her pet peeve in online dating is men attacking Sylvester Stalone’s acting.

Whitney Way Thore isn't having anyone talk bad about Sylvester Stallone! - Instagram
Whitney Way Thore isn’t having anyone talk bad about Sylvester Stallone! – Instagram

Whitney Way Thore Reveals She Has The Testosterone Of A Man

While some fans wanted to know her “love language” others were interested in her sex life. Her love language is words of affirmation, but she loves to be touched as well. There were a few questions that didn’t garner a direct answer, such as “Rank your top three lovers by nationality.” She declined saying “A lady would never tell.”

  • One fan comments, “You’re so interesting! (And gorgeous btw).”
  • Another acknowledges, “A lady would never tell 💁🏻‍♀️ lmao 🤣👏.” Then, Whitney replies, “🤐.”
She isn't telling. - Instagram
Whitney Way Thore isn’t telling. – Instagram

Although Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) has drastically changed Whitney’s life with struggling to lose weight, she offers one side effect she doesn’t mind. When asked, “Does PCOS affect your sex drive?” She simply says, “I have the testosterone of a man and I’ve never had that problem.” According to NHS, PCOS is often accompanied by high levels of testosterone, “High levels of insulin causes the ovaries to produce too much testosterone.” But fans were happy to see Whitney sharing a variety of information through her makeup application and Q&A session.

PCOS doesn't keep her sex drive down. - Instagram
Whitney Way Thore’s PCOS doesn’t keep her sex drive down. – Instagram

Fans Send Their Thoughts

After MBFFL star, Whitney Way Thore posted her video, many people loved her makeup and open chatter.

  • Someone else adds, “Of course, want to hear the spicy ones😂.”
  • “I love these sessions 🙌 I need that confidence!”
  • Someone else encourages her, “I don’t care what any haters say, you’re beautiful ❤️.”
  • “You’re amazing! Great answers!!😘🩷.”
  • You look exactly like your mom in this video.”
Whitney Way Thore - Instagram
Whitney Way Thore – Instagram

Opportunities On The Horizon?

While one “question” was a statement professing attraction to Whitney Way Thore, other comments indicate Whitney has many options on the horizon.

  • One fan appreciates how Whitney laid out the information. Saying, “Great format, would watch more content like this.”
  • “Whitney needs a podcast!!!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌.”
  • “I think u need to write books when u write letters they are so descriptive like my the best book I have ever read I would read every not like a biography like a novel.”

What did you think about Whitney Way Thore’s interactions? Did you know that PCOS can alter the body’s testosterone levels? Are you missing new episodes of My Big Fat Fab Life? Would you like Whitney to start a podcast? Drop your comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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