‘Sister Wives’ Mykelti Sends Loud Message To Kody Brown

Mykelti Brown - Kody Brown

Let’s face it Kody Brown does not have a good relationship with his adult children. He repeatedly makes no effort to be involved in their or their children’s lives. He is estranged from quite a few of his children. Recently Mykelti, Kody and Christine Brown’s daughter, shared just how large the distance between herself and dad Kody is.

Kody Brown Is Missing From Mykelti’s Life

The estrangement between Mykelti Brown and Kody Brown is growing larger. Mykelti and several of her siblings have placed an increasingly large distance between themselves and their father. The discord between Kody and his children has been growing for years. However, things got worse when Brown said that grandparents are not always able to be part of their grandchildren’s lives. His children have criticized this remark, believing it is just another excuse from Kody for not being present in their lives. Now it appears Mykelti may have cut ties with her father for good.Mykelti Padron in Sister Wives confessional

Mykelti Brown recently shared a post on her Instagram story which featured her children, daughter Avalon, and twin sons Ace and Archer. The video showed the kids with birthday balloons which had been gifted by Christine Brown and her husband David Woolley to celebrate the children’s birthday. Mykelti captioned the video “Thank you Oma, Papa & Truly.” It seems that Mykelti is announcing her stepdad David as her children’s grandfather and he is certainly more involved in their lives than their biological grandfather, Kody Brown.

Sister Wives Mykelti Brown
Sister Wives Mykelti Brown

Mykelti Brown Is Estranged From Step Mom Robyn Brown

In addition to being estranged from her father Kody Brown, Mykelti Padron no longer has a relationship with his remaining wife Robyn. Mykelti and Robyn were able to maintain a relationship longer than Mykelti and Kody, however, that has since ended. After the loss of her brother Garrison Brown Mykelti posted on Patreon to explain the loss of her relationship with Robyn. Mykelti said…

“We try very hard to say what we can while respecting our families and relationships. We don’t lie. To give you some insights. It’s true we have always been super supportive of Robyn. Of lately it may seem as that has changed.”

Robyn Brown-YouTube
Robyn Brown-YouTube

Mykelti Brown struggled with Robyn’s actions during the funeral of her brother Garrison. She said, “Things that happened during the recent funeral that is the reason.” Mykelti did not give specifics about what exactly had occurred during the sacred event, however, she did tell fans it was the reason she is now separate from Robyn as well as her father.

Kody Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from YouTube
Kody Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from YouTube

Kody Brown has also been clear that he would always choose his wife Robyn over his relationship with his children. Portraying the message to the kids that they cannot have him without her. In addition, Kody does not take any accountability for his role in the relationship with his children. He says “They’re purposefully leaving me out of their lives to punish me for a crime I did not commit. I am only guilty of not falling madly in love with their mothers.” Given his attitude towards his children, it is no surprise that Mykelti’s children are now calling her stepdad David Papa.

Kody Brown and Robyn Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, Sourced from YouTube
Kody Brown and Robyn Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, Sourced from YouTube

What do you think of Mykelti’s children referring to her stepdad as their grandfather? Should the name Papa be reserved for their biological grandfather Kody Brown? Let us know in the comments!

Cheri Gossett


  1. Kody is getting what he asked for. You never, and I mean never choose another woman over your children. Polygamy or not. He is simply angry that everyone did not fall into line and follow him. I for one am happy that the other wives got out. You could tell years ago that when Robin came in that the family was going to fall apart. She wanted to be the queen bee and get all of the attention. She acted like a child until she got what she wanted and now she wonders why things are the way they are. Christine and her husband have earned the right to have those grandchildren call them their grandparents. Bravo to Christine and her husband.

  2. I applaud those that left. I think garrison’s death was a turning point. They realized that Cody wouldn’t do anything for his children or his now ex.Wives. And I think it was robin’s manipulations behind the scenes That’s fostered this division.

  3. Kody and Robyon need to exit the show !!!! between what Kody and Robin says is total BS they are so irrelevant to the show why are they even on there the show should be about the children and the three wives that left the BS Kody, Robin are telling us is a total liar and after seasons go on you can see the gas lighting coming out and how she wanted him to herself. I am sorry I am totally for women so team# Janelle Mary and Christine🙏 For their own Show TLC GET RID OF THE OTHER 2 WHO KEEP SAYING THEY DON’T FEEL SAFE WITH HER KIDS BEING AROUND HIS 20 PLUS CHILDREN!!!!!! SHE NEEDS TO GO HE NEEDS TO GO!!!! TAKE BLAME KODY !!! After this season if they are on the Next Season I’ll Not Watch # 3 X wife’s and the Children 👌🙏🤔🤔😀😀😀🖕Bye Kody Robyon🤮🤮🖕👋👋👋✌️

  4. The name is not set for the biological grandfather but that man that steps into the role. Congratulations and have a happy holiday

  5. I’m so glad that Meri Christine and Janelle have left that toxic hellhole. Kody is not worthy of their love or their money. They’ve been supporting his lifestyle for years. He doesn’t deserve them because he’s a total asshat.
    And his crying over Meri leaving? Everyone could see that was just an act for the camera.

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