Gypsy Rose Blanchard Announces She’s Done

Gypsy Rose Blanchard-YouTube

Gypsy Rose Blanchard has announced that she is done. She has been through so much in the last year since she was released from prison. Now, the mother-to-be is making a statement but what is she doing? Keep reading for all of the details.

Amanda Lauren


  1. right she cant stand not being center of attention.she doesn’t want ppl to know that baby is ryans thats it! all the sudden after the dna test she annouces shes done yeah shes ashmed of herself.saying all that crap now its biting her in the ass.

  2. Well you all need to back off all that that young lady has been through it is time for her to be happy and enjoy life with those she loves. I also think it’s great she is having a baby i’m so happy for her. I wish that I could be her neighbor or her friend. Here is an old saying [ if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything leave it alone) Good luck and may God be with you ❤️

    1. Hahaha, she’s a manipulative murderer. She didn’t rehabilitate in prison which is made obvious by the fact that she continues to manipulate. She brings all the negativity on herself with her foul actions.

    2. if you don’t have anything nice to say… that speaks to private individuals, not self proclaimed public entities. if she didn’t want judged she should have stayed silent, but she’s an exact clone of her mother, attitude, mental illness and all.

    3. You just want to touch a so called “celebrity,” with your ‘I wish that I could be her neighbor or her friend’. Give me a break!

    4. Wow! She helped to m*rder her mum. And she was never abused. Any surgery she had was necessary do to her Micro-deletion. Do some actual research! You go right ahead and be friends with a con.

  3. She is a pathetic combination of being raised by a mentally ill, abusive mother whom she felt she had to have killed and now, after serving a stint in prison, loves being a social media darling. The story has been over for some time now. She has gotten too much publicity and clearly thinks herself a star. She continues to love the limelight and unfortuantelly is now using men to replace the loss of her mother who dictated her every move. I hope Gypsy is going to acclimate to becoming a person that can live a normal, healthy life and to be content just being.

  4. Why she was ever in the spotlight to start with is baffling enough. Head out, stay gone, and give us a pinky promise she won’t try to be back to weasel sympathy and $$$ again from the gullible.

  5. Good for her! She’s making Healthy choices for her well being and her baby. I admire her for her strength. She’s been through enough. She’s moved forward. And that’s where she should be. Forward and in the moment and looking towards her future.
    Good Luck Gypsy Rose! I wish you and your family the very best!
    Be Happy in your own truth! God Bless you and your new baby ❤️🩷❤️

    1. You’ve been sucked into her lies and evil.
      She caused her own mother’s murder! Yes what her mother did was wrong but she obviously needed mental health care as does Gypsy. I pray for her child’s safely .

  6. although I wish her luck and much success, some should tell her, this is not an airport, she needn’t announce her departure.

    1. EXACTLY!
      and then to add her so called personal social media contact info…. oh please, why do that and announce your intentions if you’re not looking for attention. *rolls eyes*

  7. She should be in jail where anyone that murders someone should be. She shouldn’t be able to prosper from a murder ,- what message does that send to our youth – the future of this country? She’s full of S___t!

  8. Gypsy is a train wreck that people can’t look away. Instead of doing lifetime series and writing a book. How about she speak up for the young man that I feel in my soul. Helped her commit the murder. He took full responsibility for it. But no one is going to tell me. That she didn’t at least once take a stab at her mother. He deserves a chance at life as well

  9. If only this were true! Gypsy cannot exist without the attention and money she has received. She is evil and I am very concerned for the well being of her child.

  10. I can’t believe that a woman who, manipulated her mentally challenged boyfriend into helping her murder her mother, has even been released from prison let alone given a reality show on lifetime. She will end up behind bars again. It’s just a matter of time. She didn’t rehabilitate.I saw her dupe Dr. Phil and I’m watching the toxic stuff she’s brought to the show. She’s just like her mother. I only hope her kid has a better mother than she did. We all know what happened to her mom. She should be very careful about how she raises her daughter. This is going to end horribly. And, she’s not deleting her social media, how would she stay relevant? I hope whoever is in charge of her is watching closely. She’s doing it wrong.

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