Why Todd & Julie Chrisley Now Have Hope For Early Release

Todd and Julie Chrisley now have hope for an early release, but why? It seems something big has happened that has led them to believe they can get out early. Their daughter Savannah has also been trying to get them out of prison since the day they were arrested. Keep reading to find out more.
Todd And Julie Chrisley In Federal Prison
Todd and Julie Chrisley are currently in federal prison. The two of them were arrested for tax evasion and fraud. This is something they still have not owned up to. However, their daughter, Savannah Chrisley, has been fighting for their freedom. Julie has a resentencing hearing. However, she did not get any time shaved off of her sentence. Fans think this is due to her asking for so much and Savannah calling out the judge. In fact, she got more probation time out of the hearing. Her lawyers blame it on her fame and the judge wanting to make a point.

Why They Have Hope For An Early Release
Todd and Julie Chrisley are now hopeful for an early release. This is since Donald Trump was elected as the new president of the United States.
“Savannah truly believes Trump will pardon her parents. Todd is jumping for joy in prison and is so optimistic that he will be able to walk out of there when Trump takes office. Ever since they were convicted she has spent every waking hour campaigning to free them and when she found the loophole through the RNC she jumped on it. She took that stage in the hope of seeing her parents walk out of jail and it will likely happen. So of course she is gloating. Everyone is just hoping that she stops going on,”
Fans do not think this is going to be the case though. They think the Chrisley’s are nowhere close to being a priority on Trump’s to do list.
It seems that the entire family thinks Donald Trump is going to let them out of prison early. However, this has not been confirmed by Trump himself or anyone else. Fans seem to think the family is delusional for thinking this. People think he has a lot more to worry about than getting the Chrisley’s out of prison. What do you think about their new hopeful mindset? Do you think they are wrong? Sound off in the comments below.
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they are out of their mind. why would Trump release them from prison? Then he would have to release everyone in prison. They are not special, they are felons,prisoners like everyone else in prison. They are so full of it thinking the parents are getting out early because of Trump. Trump has bigger and better important things to take care of. Chrisleys are not important. Get over ut Savannah.
The court never proved they did anything wrong. Same court system going after Trump. This was lawfare because they are Trump supporters.
I do think President Trump could pardon them early. They are no harm to anyone. Look the let VIOLENT CRIMINALS OUT WAY TO EARLY!!! TODD AN JULIE WERE CONVICTED OF STUPID WHITE COLLAR CRIME FIRST OFFENSE. LET THEM GO!!
yes let them go Trump will release them not only because he is becoming president but because he’s a good president and he has good kind heart and I believe that the chrisleys will be set free to be with their family once and for all they will be pardoned and that’s what I believe
Oh wow! You really think Trump is going to release common criminals? Why would he do that? He’s a good man and I think the last thing he wants to do is start releasing criminals. The Chrisleys are absolutely no different than any other thief. Why on earth do they not deserve to pay the price. You and I would have to! Savannah is doing what any daughter in her position would do. She’s keeping the Chrisley name in the media so they can pick up another show once they’re released. I just hope they don’t screw up and try to manipulate their finances by pretending to be more than they are.
No. Why would Trump do pardon them? Does he even know these people?
i agree and I’m hopeful🇺🇸🇺🇸
Maybe he’ll pardon them when he pardons his buddies for January 6.
what ? you only think you know what you’re talking about , but you really don’t.
they think they are so entitled. everyone in prison is innocent just ask anyone in there. if you can’t do the time don’t dontthe crime. they aren’t even some big A list celebrities. Suck it up butter cups do your time
A felon getting a felon out of prison. what a hoot. that’s where trump needs to be.
Why do they think Trump will get them released? if he does, no one should ever have to spend a day in jail. No matter the crime, Trump will pardon you! Get real!!
I think the Chrisley’s should be doing more time than they were originally sentenced. They should be serving 30 years each. They are not above the law. Donald Trump got big things to take care like MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
Yes, like pardoning HIMSELF for all of his crimes! For which he has never spent a DAY in jail! How we let him go unpunished is beyond reason, and the ignorance of his followers just amazes me!
here speaks the voice of reason.
good on you Bonnie.!
YES! YES! YES! It baffles me that the people say “If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime and one is above the law,” so why is Trump not doing the time for his crime (s)!!! It baffles me that they think that he and those other disgusting people that are responsible for an insurrection on our nation’s Capitol and actually murdering police officers and beating people don’t “deserve to “do the time for their crimes” and that they aren’t “above the law!!” Talk about hypocrites!! The fact that they think that a convicted criminal, racist, narcissistic, sociopath is fit to be President is beyond comprehension!!!
YES! YES! YES! It baffles me that the people say “If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime and no one is above the law,” so why is Trump not doing the time for his crime (s)!!! It baffles me that they think that he and those other disgusting people that are responsible for an insurrection on our nation’s Capitol and actually murdering police officers and beating people don’t “deserve to “do the time for their crimes” and that they aren’t “above the law!!” Talk about hypocrites!! The fact that they think that a convicted criminal, racist, narcissistic, sociopath is fit to be President is beyond comprehension!!!
trump trump trump trump, trump. sleep on this name.
yes there lying crooks and call Todd Chrisley did was brag how his life was his lavish lifest
yle he makes me sick let him rot in jail
Again these thieves want special treatment. President trump has much more important things to do than let these two out of jail because his daughter thinks they should be let out. Gee wouldn’t everyone. They are not deserving of an early release. Were they thinking of anyone when they stole million of dollars? Only to act like they were rich. Stay there and do your time.
i don’t think that’s going to happen,why don’t they just serve their time and stop thinking they are more special than everyone else.
They are the least of his worries I’m sure..Do the crime ..Do the time..
Oh really??? Like Trump has??! Do the time indeed! Yes, he is quite the role model isn’t he?!!
I think there sentence is way to much. There are people out there who have done way worse and barely did any or no time. 1 year and probation and than working to pay back what they owe makes more sense.
I think that the worst criminals like the child trafficking industry should be in the chrissleys place. there’s worse crimes then screwing the government out of their money. even if they did do this crime.
the real criminals of USA is lawless authority. thinking that they are God’s and they won’t ever be. they ruin innocents everyday. Just bc they don’t have anyone above them to stop them from doing this.
the first priority is to get the children of USA back to their DNA familys. The first thing they have to get these people away that are trying to kill President Donald Trump.
If you are found guilty by a jury of your peers then you must be GUILTY. Savannah keep your mouth shut as you should have done to begin with. Don’t you think Trump has more to worry about than your parents. You’ve gotten a reality check for the 1st time in your lavished life.
Why do the Chrisleys think there special!? There NOT!!! There just like everyone else, there people who did a crime now do the time!!!!
convicted in corrupt Fulton county. procescutor called them the trumps of the south. your commenter’s are ignorant and hateful. hang on Chloe and chase, they’ll be home soon!
A felon getting a felon out of prison. what a hoot. that’s where trump needs to be.