Jenelle Evans’ Ex Drops Shocking Bombshells About Kaiser

Jenelle Evans-YouTube

Teen Mom star, Jenelle Evans’ ex is dropping shocking bombshells about her middle child, Kaiser, 10. He was shipped off to live with his paternal grandmother in Tennessee. Yet, within the blink of an eye, Jenelle turned around and snatched Kaiser back up. So, what is she hiding and which ex is spilling the tea? Keep reading for all of the details.

Jenelle Evans’ Ex Drops Shocking Bombshells About Kaiser

It has been alleged that Jenelle Evans has had a hard time with her son, Kaiser, 10. He is supposedly vaping which she does not like but is not stopping. More so, he has been getting in trouble at school, and that has been a struggle. Along with his younger sister, Ensley, the two were seen playing around the neighborhood when they were supposed to be at school. Eventually, Kaiser was taken to Tennessee to live with his paternal grandmother. This was amid an alleged CPS investigation after Jenelle’s boyfriend, August Keen called the police on her.

Kaiser, Jenelle Evans, Ensley-Facebook
Kaiser, Jenelle Evans, Ensley-Facebook

She claimed that she wanted Kaiser to be closer to his father, Nathan Griffith but he lives in Las Vegas. He is working on his sobriety and is trying to get his life back in order. Jenelle was quickly lambasted for sending Kaiser away also she went back to get him as soon as she left him. Now, his father, Nathan is opening up and dropping bombshells about Kaiser. He spoke to The Sun and left no stone unturned. First off, Nathan is terrified about where his son is living in Vegas, and for good reason:

“I heard that she moved around this area, which is absolutely a horrible place to raise children, with the drugs, with the gangs, with the violence, the robbery. It’s a terrible place. I’m trying to get out of Las Vegas, and it’s in a situation now where my son’s here that I’m almost going to have stay here just because my son’s here.”

Nathan liked the idea of Kaiser living with his mother, Doris in Tennessee and felt it was a good decision by Jenelle. He had hoped he could get his probation moved from Vegas so he could be with his mom and Kaiser so he could be the father his son needed:

“Because I think Kaiser is really seeking attention right now in some of his behaviors.”

Yet, what behaviors is Nathan alluding to? He admits that his son was vaping and doing a plethora of other things that were omitted from the interview:

“My son has already [edited out for privacy], he already vapes, he’s already [edited out for privacy], he’s already done[edited out for privacy], and he’s 10 years old.”

What Is Next For Kaiser & Nathan?

Things are not getting better as Jenelle Evans’ eldest child, Jace, 15 was just removed from the home. The police were called twice the weekend of October 19th. Allegedly, he ran away as well as wrecked the home. So, he is not coming home anytime soon. Now, what does this all mean for Kaiser and how does his father hope to protect him? Nathan Griffith is angry that CPS has not thoroughly investigated Kaiser and his situation. More so, he is maintaining an open relationship with his son. He thinks that is the only way to keep things moving in a positive direction.

Sadly, he shared there is a blockade thanks to Jenelle. Nathan alleges he tries to get in contact with his son and she says he is busy or cannot talk. Yet, he has the proof which is a positive. Finally, Nathan did open up about Kaiser living in Tennessee. At first, he was homesick but he tried to encourage him to enjoy and be grateful. Things were moving in a good direction and he was in school when Jenelle opted to come and grab him. Nathan firmly believes it has nothing to do with his mother.

Do you believe that Kaiser should have stayed in Tennessee and that being with Jenelle is causing more harm than good? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren

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