‘Sister Wives’ Still Hope For Kody Brown To Reconcile With Kids?

Kody Brown Instagram

Kody Brown is not a good head of his household. He has favorites which has created fractures within his family. In particular, this has affected his relationship with his children. Kody is estranged from many of his kids. The father of 18 is oblivious to the pain and suffering he has caused his family. Kody has expressed that he is waiting for the children to apologize to him before he considers reconciliation. However, it should be the other way around.

Gabe Brown Shares His Father’s Short Comings

Gabe was candid about the situation with his father. Kody Brown tried to kick his teenage sons out of the house during the Covid-19 pandemic, including Gabe. Janelle Brown stepped in before that could happen. The relationship with Kody and Gabe has been strained ever since. Gabe talks to his mother Janella about a recent text exchange between himself and his father.

Gabe said dad “hit me up. It was strange because he was like, ‘Hey, I miss you.’ And then, he was like, he kept, like, phrasing it like I owed him an apology.” He continued “Eventually, I was just like, ‘Hey, unless you’re, like, actually ready to have a relationship and fix things, then we’re not going to talk anymore. He came back a couple of days later and texted me. He’s like, ‘Hey, I’ve been like thinking about what you’ve been saying. I forgive you, Please forgive me.’ I was like, ‘Forgive me for what?’ Like, what’s going on here?”

Gabe Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from YouTube
Gabe Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from YouTube

Kody doesn’t understand that he is the responsible party for the rift between himself and Gabe. Hopefully, he comes to this realization so the relationship can be repaired.

Kody Brown Refuses To Be Accountable

Gabe Brown doesn’t understand why his father refuses to take accountability for his actions. He shared with his mother Janelle “I told Dad that if he doesn’t change and he can’t take accountability, then I just won’t ever see him again. And I’m perfectly OK with that.” Most of the Brown children have made the same decision as Gabe and this is because Kody’s behavior towards the children is not acceptable.

Janelle Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from YouTube
Janelle Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from YouTube

Janelle Brown chimed in with what she thought it would take for Kody to reconcile with the children. She said that she doesn’t “know what it would take at this point” to get things back to normal. Janelle shared that the children are “so busy, and they’re starting to spread out across the country.” Gabe Brown replied to his mom “I think it would take Dad really setting things straight. And, I think that that would take an act of god.”

Janelle has always taken the side of her children. She said “Their dad had been expressing things to them just off the cuff about, you know, he wished that he would have waited and just married Robyn. I don’t know what dad says that to their kids, but my kids have many stories like that.” Janelle is protective of her kids when it comes to their relationship with their father. This is because Kody is not aware of how he is hurting his own children.

Kody Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from YouTube
Kody Brown from Sister Wives, TLC, sourced from YouTube

Kody Brown Can Still Redeem Himself

Kody still can reconcile with his children but he needs to take accountability for his actions. Everyone makes mistakes and Kody needs to own up to his. For reconciliation to take place, Kody needs to apologize for what he has done. If he were to admit his faults some of his children would be open to fixing the relationship.

The problem is that Kody has chosen to do the opposite. He expects the children to take responsibility for the damage that Kody caused. He frequently gaslights and manipulates his children to serve his narrative. If Kody Brown does not change his ways he will end up alone and miserable. His family is not going to stick around if he doesn’t change his behavior and apologize.

Kody Brown-YouTube
Kody Brown-YouTube

Do you think Kody Brown will own up to the damage and destruction he has caused? This is the only way he will be able to heal the relationships with his children. Let us know what you think in the comments.

Cheri Gossett

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