‘Sister Wives’ Robyn Brown Disses OG Kids’ Moms In ‘Staged Fight’

Robyn Brown - Sister Wives

Although Sister Wives star, Robyn Brown, seemingly was angling to appear kind and innocent during the latest episode, many fans see through the act. Undeniably, Robyn was pleading with Kody Brown to be the dad the OG13 kids deserve. However, instead of it being received as a caring gesture, some fans latched on to the conversation targeting the kids and moms instead. Furthermore, fans think it was a backhanded diss at Meri, Janelle, and Christine Brown.

Robyn Brown Knew What She Was Doing

After seeing Robyn and Kody Brown argue on the latest episode of Sister Wives, some fans picked up on her underlying intent. While many believe it was to make her appear more lovable and sweet, other think there was a hidden jab. Since she was trying to be kind and caring, fans think her hidden agenda was to use Kody as a weapon to criticize Meri, Christine, Janelle Brown, and their kids. Specifically, she has confessed she “speaks Kody” and many people think that is code for she “manipulates Kody” easily. Previously, Robyn knew Kody would blurt out information during the Wedding Special, so she went as far as covering his mouth. But now, fans think she set him up for the fall when talking about the OG kids and their moms.

Robyn Brown - Sister Wives
Robyn Brown – Sister Wives

Robyn Brown Disses OG Kids’ Moms In ‘Staged Fight’

On Reddit, Sister Wives fans discuss how Robyn Brown disses Meri, Janelle, and Christine Brown during the staged fight with Kody Brown. First, a user says, “Robyn and Kody staged fight.” Then, they add, “If Robyn really wanted Kody to fix his relationship with his children, she would never have filmed this conversation (staged fight), because she knew (knows) that Kody would say bad things about his kids on tv, it would hurt Kody´s kids and ‘these people’ are probably angrier at their father.”

Meri, Robyn, Kody, Janelle, Christine Brown - Sister Wives
Meri, Robyn, Kody, Janelle, Christine Brown – Sister Wives

Furthermore, they continue, “Kody blamed his children, spoke badly about Maddie and Hunter on tv. In fact, Kody badmouthed all of his kids on tv. Robyn blamed Christine and Janelle, saying the children were getting ‘wrong’ information from their mothers. Remembering that Janelle separated from Kody because he fought with Gabe and Garrison. If she wanted them to make up, it’s a type of conversation she should never have recorded, because it only makes the children angrier at their father.”

  • Another fan adds, “My first clue it was scripted was when they first started talking and it was clear they had the acting ability of middle schoolers performing a skit.”
Kody Brown - Sister Wives
Robyn & Kody Brown – Sister Wives

Fans Echo That Robyn Brown Understood How Kody Would Act

After the initial post, one fan echoed that Robyn Brown knew that Kody would spill. Instead of covering his mouth, she tried to get the blood off her hands.

  • “The staged scene only worsened the relationship between Kody and his children. Robyn knows Kody and knew he would talk bad about his kids on TV. I knew, we knew he would do it.The scene hurt Maddie even more and it is clear that Janelle’s children must have also been angrier at their father now. Garrison died. TLC was terrible.”
  • “This was to make robyn look good and like she is supportive of his kids haffing a relationship with him.the kids that she didnt want to have over for christmas beucase they might fight and it would be scary,the kids who she fought with in a text thread over a gift exchange that was for siblings,that she inserted herself into.the kids that were not as important as hers,becuase hers were tender.”
Redditors aren't fooled. - Reddit
Redditors aren’t fooled by Robyn Brown. – Reddit

Other Fans Weigh In

Furthermore, many Sister Wives fans are convinced that the wintery fight between Robyn and Kody Brown was scripted. Likewise, they think it was a ditch effort to gain favor with fans as the storyline heads toward the devasting loss of Garrison Brown.

  • “100%. This was staged to try to make her look ‘good.’ Didn’t work. We hate you both.”
  • “I’m really surprised no one has mentioned how Robins enabling came out in that conversation! She said something like the kids are going by what they’ve been told by their moms. In effect invalidating the kids feelings and letting Kody know she doesn’t think he’s at fault. THATS the tell tale sign this was all staged BS.”
  • “It was so gross seeing her weep over her own absentee father, when we’ve watched ten+ years of her being complicit in the collapse of the family unit by prioritizing her kids over the rest. Both of these people are liars and manipulators, and I refuse to buy into the delusion of Robyn’s TV Redemption. Ysabel went through a spinal surgery and recovery without her dad because Ari misses her dad. Robyn supported that. They both suck. ETA: and they are terrible actors. I’ve seen 3rd grade plays with more emotional authenticity.”
 Sister Wives
Robyn Brown – Sister Wives

Some People Believe That She Has A Tell

As fans watched the conversation unfold between Robyn and Kody Brown, they picked up on a tell that she has.

  • “The rapid eye movement, is always her tell.”
  • “Agree, I was thinking that Robyn was trying her skills at acting too. Sounded more to me like a therapy video than what an actual conversation would sound like between a husband and wife. She was on repeat  ‘Your kids need you, they need you, they need you’ ‘ work it out, reach out’ etc. but she didn’t give any feedback as to why they would feel that way something like ‘Your kids are upset for you for this reason, maybe if you take accountability for it you can make it right’ it just sounded so fake and horrible.”

Robyn and Kody staged fight
byu/Ill_Presentation_162 inTLCsisterwives

What do you think? Did Robyn Brown know that Kody Brown would drag his OG3 wives and kids during the fight? Was she dissing them under the cloak of Kody’s words? Was it a strategic play to get fans to sympathize with them? Are you liking this season of Sister Wives? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill

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