‘Mama June’ Josh Efird In Accident, Pumpkin Spills Tea On Condition

Ella Efird, Josh Efird-Facebook

Mama June’s former son-in-law, Josh Efird was in a horrible accident, and now, his ex-wife, Pumpkin Efird is spilling the tea on how he is doing. There are reasons why she knows his status and was immediately informed as to what had transpired. Keep reading for a Josh update and Pumpkin’s alleged sick reaction.

Josh Efird In Accident, Is He Okay?

On August 1st, Pumpkin and Josh Efird filed for divorce after being married for six years and together nearly a decade. They have four children, Ella, Bentley, Stella, and Sylus plus helped raise Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson. In December 2023, Pumpkin and Alana’s sister, Anna Cardwell passed away. That took an extreme toll on Pumpkin and Josh was concerned for her mental health. He even revealed he had never seen her like that and was scared she would never get out of her funk. His grandmother then passed away in April 2024.

Josh Efird, Lauryn 'Pumpkin' Efird-Instagram
Josh Efird, Lauryn ‘Pumpkin’ Efird-Instagram

Allegedly, right after, Pumpkin hooked up with his cousin, Darrin Kitchens, and that began the downfall of their marriage. She is still with Darrin to this day, attending concerts and traveling alongside Mama June. They both mock the fact that they are together and Josh is left out in the cold. Yet, they do it via memes on social media. However, things just took a dark turn and Pumpkin had to be there for Josh even if she did not want to be. Per a Reddit thread, Josh was in a car accident, hit at 65 mph, and his truck flipped.

Since Pumpkin was still his emergency contact, they called her. Elle Bee was on the case and shared her insider information. It happened early on Tuesday, September 24th. The truck, which is less than a year old, was crashed into, and as aforementioned, flipped. He was seemingly on the way to do a job when this occurred and was knocked unconscious, claiming his shoulder hurt. Pumpkin was his emergency contact and she asked if he was okay. Then, she learned Josh was headed to the hospital to be further examined.

Pumpkin’s Reaction

Josh Efird seemed to be okay minus falling unconscious and some bodily pain so it was a good idea to go get a complete checkup. Per Elle Bee and her insiders, when Pumpkin was asked if she was going to see him, she said no. Furthermore, she shared that he was just looking for a check. After fans heard this, what was their take? Should she have at least checked in on him so he would not be alone?

  • What a trashy thing to say.
  • I hope he isn’t hurt and recovers emotionally from this accident. Crashes can cause complex emotional issues and pumpkin doesn’t act right even if they have issues she should be more empathetic to the father of her 4 very young kids
  • If it’s true that she said he’s just looking for a check, I take this more as she is just looking for a check. Money grubbing is her middle name.
  • “He’s just looking for a check”. Wtf. Ew. What an awful thing to say about the FATHER OF YOUR CHILDREN THAT COULD HAVE DIED FROM THIS. She is so disgusting and unempathetic. I wouldn’t even say that to my worst enemy. How gross of her.

No one felt Pumpkin was right in this situation and felt she was completely off-base, lacking empathy. More so, some believed she was the one who wanted the check, especially after seeing how bad off his truck was.

Do you think Pumpkin should have at least gone and made sure he was okay? Or, has she completely done away with him? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Amanda Lauren


  1. Pumpkin has always been about Pumpkin and how everything affects her. She has been lucky to have Josh by her side. He has been a great father. What does she think she would have done without him? I hope Josh will be okay physically and mentally. I know from experience that an accident like that can give you PTSD.

    1. Pumpkin is heartless. her mama is too. They both are Money Hungary Pigs. The show needs to be taken off air. Their a disgrace! I’m telling viewers not to watch this show anymore Their disgusting! There is better things to watch than them!

  2. Pumpkin disgusts me. What kind of person gets with their husband’s cousin at a funeral no less, and then parades it around in their husband’s face?! She is as selfish and money hungry as she can be. The only reason she would say he was just looking for a check is because that is exactly what she would be doing. She should have checked on him, but she’s much too self centered and hateful for that. She acts just like June.

  3. Pumpkin is just as trashy and money hungry as June. They need to be canceled. Furthermore, I’m worried about the kids. Josh has been more of a parent than Pumpkin and we know June has never been a parent.

  4. I lost all respect for pumpkin when she got with Josh cousin she just like her mama like mother like daughter Josh always took care of the kids I hop he finds love because he truly deserves it we love you Josh you are truly a great guy sweetheart

  5. l agree with you. Josh has been the epitome of a loving husband and father. He has put up with a wife and mother in law no man should have to put up with. Those children should be given custody to their father. Pumpkin is just like her mother. Just greedy, foul mouthed and concerned about herself.

  6. Pumpkin is such a mean little creature! I can’t stand her. She has an absolutely filthy mouth. Karma will get her in the end. Josh always seemed like such a good guy. Those poor little kids. I feel sorry for them!

  7. That is a terrible thing to say about an ex I have an ex and I would still be there if he needed me in that situation you are tied to him til ur kids are 18 how can u lose ur feelings for him like that he he delt with sooooo much crap from ur family and loved u every step of the way and then u treat him like that what a piece of crap u are!!!!

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