‘My Big Fat Fabulous Life’ Fan Shares Rude Whitney Thore Run In

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My Big Fat Fabulous Life may have a lot of fans, however, after meeting the star of the show herself, some are questioning how the show is still on. Keep reading to learn what several fans had to say about Whitney Way Thore after meeting her in person. Turns out, she might not be as nice as expected.

Fan Meets My Big Fat Fabulous Life Star

After meeting Whitney Way Thore, one fan revealed that she isn’t as nice as it may seem she would be on the show. As revealed in a Reddit thread, the star was ‘extremely rude’ to the fan who met her.

Whitney Way Thore on My Big Fat Fab Life

“I really wanted to love this show but after meeting her in person, she was extremely rude so I don’t even know how this show is still going on,” the person reveals.

After being asked what happened, the person responded revealing a snarky comment she made. It seems that Whitney did not come across very humbly in the way she was speaking.

“I worked front desk at a hotel that she stayed at. She was snappy with the staff and rolled her eyes anytime someone said hello. I personally was like you’ve been an inspiration to me and it’s great getting to see you in person and her response was ‘yeah I’m sure,'” they reveal.

They Aren’t The Only One!

Not only that, but someone was actually able to back this argument up. They said that they also know someone that has met Whitney and they came to the same conclusion. They say the TLC star was ‘rude’ and ‘stuck on herself.’

“I have a friend who met her when visiting a friend at her school. Yes! She is rude and stuck on herself. I have never understood the show. I quit watching it,” they start. The user continues writing “I think she is gross. What is the purpose of this show. To see her cry because she can’t get or keep a guy. She is very rude to her dad. Her 1/2 sister came along and now her Dad has a daughter with respect and really loves him,” the screenshot says.

Fans Meeting Quitney
byu/SuJenG inMyBigFatFabulousLife

Most Fans Aren’t Suprised

Unfortunately for Whitney, it seems most fans aren’t surprised by this behavior. They commented on the Reddit thread expressing their feelings on the reality TV star. It seems several think she gives off this same energy on the show, so this behavior should not be surprising at all.

“This is exactly how I perceive her from the show and all we have heard about her. She is a very unhappy person and unhappy people are unhappy to meet and watch,” one person writes.

“She sounds so awful so I’m not surprised,” someone else says.

“Anyone surprised? We’ve heard this from many people. Inspiration? How so? She hasn’t DONE anything but fill that “O” script to lose weight That isn’t inspiring,” another writes.

“This is hilarious. She walks around thinking she’s a KarJenner. Hahah she’s not even in the same galaxy as them and even they don’t impress me either. 🤣🤣🤣,” someone else adds.

Are you shocked to hear Whitney is rude in real life? Do you think that’s how she is portrayed on the show? Let us know in the comments below. Come back to TV Shows Ace for more on My Big Fat Fabulous Life!

Haley Cook