’90 Day Fiance’ Angela Claims Michael Cleaned Her Out, Begs For Cash

90 Day Fiance: Angela Deem

90 Day Fiance celeb Angela Deem alleges that Michael Ilesanmi cleaned her out financially, and now, it looks like she is ready to beg her many followers for money. What do we know about this situation so far?

90 Day Fiance: Angela Deem Has Been Calling Michael Ilesanmi Out As A Scammer

Particularly since Michael Ilesanmi ditched Angela Deem in Georgia, the controversial 90 Day Fiance celeb has been calling her Nigerian ex out as a scammer. Of course, that label has been thrown around for years. This was particularly true whenever Angela and Michael would get into a fight.

However, with Michael Ilesanmi seemingly living his best life in America without Angela, she has doubled down on the scamming claims in a big way. Even though a lot of 90 Day Fiance fans love to hate Angela, if you look hard enough, the clues are there, suggesting that Michael pulled off a successful long con to get to America in the end.

90 Day Fiance: Angela Deem
90 Day Fiance: Angela Deem/YouTube

TLC Celeb Claims Michael Cleared Her Out Financially

Angela Deem has made a lot of wild claims and accusations about Michael Ilesanmi since the pair officially split. However, with everything that Angela has said about Michael, it’s difficult for a lot of 90 Day Fiance fans to separate what is fact from what is an accusation with no truth to it.

One of the things that 90 Day Fiance celeb Angela Deem said recently is that Michael Ilesanmi cleaned her out financially. Someone recently claimed on TikTok that Angela had her bank accounts “frozen” by court order. However, Angela herself was quick to debunk this.

In her words, Angela Deem went on to say: “He took it all.” According to Angela, she has no bank account and no money in it thanks to Michael Ilesanmi. She also encouraged this blogger to “stop lying.”

Angela Deem From 90 Day Fiance, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube
Angela Deem From 90 Day Fiance, TLC, Sourced From TLC YouTube

90 Day Fiance: Angela Deem Starting GoFundMe Of Her Own?

Responding to a recent 90 Day Fiance fan comment on social media, she said that she needed to start a crowdfunding campaign to help with all of the “social media suits.” As anyone keeping up with updates from Michael would know, his recent campaign got more than $50k in donations to help him with lawyer fees and more.

Interestingly, Angela Deem recently demanded half of that sum of cash. The way she sees things, because she and Michael are still technically married, half of that sum belongs to her.

Watch on TikTok

  • Despite how much 90 Day Fiance drama Angela Deem has caused, she still has some fans who support her. Commenting on her recent clip, one fan said: “Sue these people for defamation!!!!”
  • Another commenter said: “These people need to just stop all ready and leave you alone honestly.”
  • A third person chimed in, adding: “Ppl are crazy you got this love.”

Of course, everything from her thinking about starting her own campaign to demanding half of Michael’s money could be her being bitter and lashing out. Either way, though, it gives 90 Day Fiance fans plenty of talking points, and plenty to tune in for as this ongoing drama continues.

For all the latest 90 Day Fiance news, come back again to TV Shows Ace for more.

Evan Morgan


  1. Angela could have ended the relationship as well. Clearly there was something in it for her. Is it possible she was the one using Michael…for sex maybe 🤔?
    Bottom line, she didn’t have to go through with the process. She had all the power for several years and she openly wielded it. She is much older. She is American with all the opportunities to earn a good living, but she now wants to set up a go-fund-me? Give me a break!! The only scammer here is Angela.

  2. Angela scam Michael in the beginning when she knew he wanted children. She took that away from him. she used money for herself on surgery and did not tell him. she was talking to another man on line and living her best life. That is where her money went. She treated him like crap do as I say not as I do. She should have been fired from TLC for the abuse on Michael. its all on TV. I am team Michael!

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