‘Sister Wives’ Kody Brown Reveals Mental Illness

Kody Brown - Sister Wives

Ahead of the release of Sister Wives Season 19, Kody Brown spoke out about his belated son, Garrison Brown. Although both Janelle and Kody have shared united messages since the passing, they are individually opening up now. Undeniably, Janelle admits the family is far more sensitive to the needs and mental health within the family after losing her precious boy. But Kody is now talking about his personal battle with mental illness as well.

Kody Brown Has Many Life Stressors

Undeniably, Kody Brown’s anger has been front and center for several seasons. Since the top five life stressors are: the death of a loved one, divorce or separation, moving, long-term illness, and job loss, there is good reason. Without a doubt, the Browns are ticking many of the boxes in the common life stressor category. Previously, Maddie Brown Brush said her dad was unstable which led her to keep her kids from him. Likewise, Kody gets frequent backlash from viewers who identify narcissistic behaviors with Kody in his relationships with Meri, Janelle, and Christine. Not only that but raising eighteen kids and having four wives comes with plenty of cause for overwhelm. While Janelle Brown has mentioned that the family is doing regular “mental health” check-ins after losing Garrison Brown, Kody is sharing one area of his mental health that has been weaponized against him.

Kody Brown - Sister Wives
Kody Brown – Sister Wives

Kody Brown Reveals Mental Illness

However, ahead of Sister Wives Season 19, Kody Brown admits his struggle with mental illness during a preview. On TLC’s Instagram page, Kody talks in a confessional interview, saying, “They know I suffer from FOMO about my family.” Then, he adds as slow sentimental music plays in the background, “Fear of missing out, okay, so anything they can do that excludes me, is a punishment to me.” While the clip doesn’t give much context to the statement, it has a small glimpse of Mykelti Brown Padron playing with some of the kids as he talks.

Kody Brown admits his family uses his FOMO against him.- Sister Wives
Kody Brown admits his family uses his FOMO against him.- Sister Wives

Viewers Have A Difficult Time Pitying Kody Brown

Although the Browns have all been through a tremendous amount of stress, especially with the loss of Garrison Brown, many viewers don’t pity Kody Brown. For instance, some of the stress is self-inflicted. Instead of putting down roots, the family has frequently moved throughout the years. Likewise, they have in turned changed many jobs. Furthermore, the plural marriage is over which is an accumulation of years of not maintaining healthy relationships. In the comments of the clip, many people gave their thoughts about Kody’s suffering.

  • “You suffer from a lot more than just FOMO.”
  • “I am so sick of this guys whining! He takes zero responsibility or accountability for his actions, or lack there of. Grow up already!”
  • “Always the victim …”
  • “You Can actually see when he gets an evil idea in his eyes .”
  • “You didn’t suffer from FOMO when Isabel had back surgery.”
The preview shows Mykelti Brown Padron playing with the kids..- Sister Wives
The preview shows Mykelti Brown Padron playing with the kids. – Sister Wives

Fake ‘FOMO’

Furthermore, other fans point out how Kody Brown spent a lot of time pushing people away to feel “FOMO.” Likewise, others think he earned his punishment.

  • “Ugh he favored Robin’s children & pushed his other children to the side. That hurts way too much to be forgotten. He is far from a victim.”
  • “Well, of course you deserve some punishment because you let all of them down.”
  • “Yeah Kody, that’s what happens when you make sure to only talk to/spend time with your kids when it’s convenient or beneficial for you. They’re adults now and won’t put up with your BS.”
  • “In the first place he excluded himself from his family, not the other way.”
  • “He’s acting like they get together with the sole purpose of ‘punishing him’? like no, they get together because they love each other and have PRIORITIZED their relationships with each other unlike he has.”
  • “Raging narcissism at its worst. He only thinks of how things affect him, not what he’s done to be in that position to begin with. 😂.”

Catch the new season of Sister Wives this Sunday on TLC at 10/9c. Or stream it later on Max.


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Does Kody Brown admitting FOMO surprise you? Do you think it was easier to admit than confronting other mental challenges? Do you think it further points to narcissistic behavior? Are you ready to see the new season of Sister Wives? Let us know what you think about Kody in the comments below.

Bonnie Kaiser-Gambill


  1. I don’t like to bad mouth anyone, but I do believe that Kody brought on his own problems with his wives and children. I was really enjoying the show until the Covid season hit. I saw him become bossy and opinionated, shunning Meri and placing Christine in the back burner. I have continued watching, but there is no joy any longer.

  2. l don’t believe a man should have a new wife every time he is cheating, and seem he really doesn’t love any of them, just uses them .Terrible game he playing with their lives.

  3. Kody,

    Life is about choices. That’s not just a convenient saying, it is fact! Whether we choose to stand accountable for our actions, we’re still going to answer for them in the next life, be held accountable and you’ll eventually have to answer for all the things you’ve done. My mother taught me, as a little girl, that it takes a bigger person to take responsibility for our actions and words. Not only that, you would need to sincerely apologize & do your best to make restitution. Somehow, you’ve always had this need to the be the center of attention no matter where you are or who you’re with! You want their attention, and it’s quite apparent that you think you’re the smartest person in the room, but you’ve learned zero about maturing or putting the other companion before you. That’s what a happy and successful marriage looks like. My goodness, how many combined years have you been married? Your actions and attitude leave no room for compromise or growing from the experience; you need to always be validated by everyone. Yes, we all need validation at times, if we’re feeling a little bit insecure but hopefully, we’ll learn and grow and mature. Your feelings and actions are inexcusable. On the contrary, you’ve blamed every single one of your “wives” and children, rather than taking responsibility for your own actions and comments.

    I’ve watched most of the episodes of Sister Wives and with each passing day, you’ve become more and more immature and abusive toward your wives AND children. Do you honestly think some of your buddies who also practice polygamy treat their wives and children the way you’ve done? Not likely or they would be in the same boat as you. Now, because of your deeds and words, Garrison, is DEAD! Do you have any idea how hopeless he must have felt to commit suicide? Rejected by his father when he was growing into his own person and becoming a man? How can you even live with yourself? I can’t imagine how Janelle is feeling. If you have ANY belief in God, you would be doing EVERYTHING in your power to comfort Janelle and the rest of the family. You are what’s called a “right fighter” and where has that gotten you? But you’re too proud to do the right thing and now it’s too late. If I were Robin, I wouldn’t trust you around any of my children, regardless of their ages and I would have left you a long ago.

    As far as I’m concerned, you are emotionally abusive, lack any maturity whatsoever and take NO responsibility for your actions. This “confession” that you have FOMO is just the beginning. Your mental illness goes much deeper!

    I recall how horribly you treated Meri when she was catfished! Not only that, your abusive comments influenced everyone else in the family. Is it any wonder that she eventually left? And you wonder why 3 of your “wives” have left you? You are not remorseful and you don’t take responsibility for your own actions or words. It’s unlikely that you’ll even finish reading this but if you have ANY desire to EVER grow up, you’ll listen to what I have to say. Otherwise, you’ll continue in this downward spiral until you have no one left in your life! Judging from some of the comments I’ve heard from Robyn, I would be very surprised if she stays with you! So, get ready because you’re in for being devastated and will find yourself alone! You’ve been in therapy but it’s obvious that you expected your wives to do all the work and for the children to fall in line and take responsibility for everything and you are the VICTIM. How hypocritical can you get?

    Then, you expect to be treated as the Patriarch of the family! It didn’t start out that way! Eve was created from Adam’s rib, not his foot for her to be walked on or to rule over him. No, Heavenly Father created her to be an equal partner to walk beside Adam … not to be ruled over or treated “less than”. You KNOW that to be a Patriarch, you must earn that position and respect … not demand it! And you certainly haven’t done that! You’ve done quite the opposite. I wouldn’t be surprised if Robyn leaves you, too. Quite honestly, I believe that the time will come when she’ll do just that!

    I was shocked that you’ve made so many ugly comments on TV but it’s apparent you believe you can do no wrong and that everyone agrees with you. According to your own words and deeds, you think the world revolves around you! You really need to grow up and make restitution for being such an abusive jerk! But you’ll NEVER be able to make restitution to Janelle. You have created an indelible mark on all your children and wives, INCLUDING. Robyn!

    Have you even THOUGHT about what Janelle’s going through and how her heart is shattered. Garrison was such a sweet young man and you rejected all the adult sons because they wouldn’t march to your orders. Not once, have I heard you say anything about the tragedy of Garrison committing suicide. You will also have to answer to Heavenly Father for Garrison’s suicide. In reality, you are an extremely selfish boy in a man’s body and you know better.

    Had you taken therapy seriously, you would have had the tools to act responsibly and put your wives and children first. But through the years, you expected everyone to bow down to you. If I haven’t made myself clear, I think most people think of you as a dirtbag! I really hope your series gets cancelled! I’m NOT a fan and I hope you get everything that’s coming to you! I’ve found it quite funny that you continually act like a two year old.

    For years, you acted like a little kid by “dancing” around, when in reality, you just looked foolish. You were pretending to be happy (and maybe you were for a short time because you were getting your way) but you’ve grown more and more abusive toward everyone in the family except toward Robyn. As far as Covid, my husband and I refused to live in fear, as you have. And we’re 72 & 73. We didn’t choose to get the vaccines and boosters and haven’t gotten Covid once! We have both had open heart surgery, along with multiple health problems … but we don’t allow fear to rule our lives!

    The little comments about how YOU feel like you’ve taken a knife in your kidneys (how melodramatic can you be?) and how “hard” you’ve worked to keep the family together. You’ve made numerous comments about how you should be revered, obeyed, and regarded as the Patriarch. You are getting worse and worse as time goes on. Pretty soon, you’ll find yourself alone. If you watch any of these episodes, you’ll see what I’m talking about, and quite frankly, if I were you, I’d be totally embarrassed and ashamed of myself for behaving as you have.

    YOU are the one who told Meri, Christine, and Janelle that you would not be having intimate relationships with them ever again. And you wonder why each one of these ladies have left you?!? The comments you made to Meri that you were “never in love with her”. Cruel and inexcusable! When you asked Meri for a divorce so you could adopt Robyn’s children, I knew that Meri was out and you were totally in the wrong,

    You are a total hypocrite and I honestly don’t think you care or realize how it impacted everyone else. It’s your way or the highway!

    Kody, YOU have to live with what you’ve done. I don’t and the rest of the viewing audience doesn’t either. Now, Meri, Christine, and Janelle are free to pursue a joyful life without you!

    Think on these things. Don’t avoid thinking about these things and get some help … if that’s even possible. I think you’re a narcissist and possibly a Sociopath.

    You should go on the internet at https://tvshowsace.com and look at some of the comments. I’m not the only one who views you this way!


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