’90 Day Fiance’ Michael Ilesanmi Gains New Career Since Split

Michael Ilesanmi

90 Day Fiance star, Michael Ilesanmi, has revealed that he has a new career since leaving Angela Deem. Fans are ecstatic for Michael. They have wanted nothing but the best for him since he got the courage to leave Angela. She was abusive in many ways. Fans have been wanting to see him get away from her for a long time. Now it has happened, and he is creating a new life in America. Keep reading to find out more.

His New Life Since Angela Deem

Angela Deem was abusive towards Michael Ilesanmi. Viewers saw this happen for years. Everyone was waiting for Michael to get out of the toxic relationship. He finally decided to leave after being in the United States for a few months. He ran away and was walking around for hours. His friends ended up buying him a bus ticket where he left. He is now living in Texas with a new family that he can trust. He spent the Fourth of July with them and fans are happy to see him doing better.

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Michael Ilesanmi Reveals New Career

Michael Ilesanmi has revealed that he has a new career. After having a GoFundMe to help with lawyer costs and such, he raised over $52,000. However, he did want to have an income of his own and not rely on fans. He posted today that he has a new manager. He said that his new manager would be booking things for him. Maybe things such as meet and greets? However, he also posted a mirror picture. He was in an outfit and had the hashtag “FashionNova”. This is a clothing brand. Some other people from the franchise have partnered with the company as well. Such as Sophie Sierra and Jasmine Pineda. This is something he can do to help bring in some money.

Michael Ilesanmi Instagram Story
Michael Ilesanmi Instagram Story

It seems as though Michael is partnering with Fashion Nova just like a lot of the other stars from the franchise. This is something that will help him have an income. However, he also has a new manager. It seems as though he is going to try and do meet and greets and such. Maybe even appear at special events. This is something he is happy about and fans are happy for him. What do you think about it? Do you think it is a good first step? What events do you think he will appear at? Sound off in the comments below.

Hailee Dent


  1. That was the nice thing Michael did leave that crazy woman that abuse him so much good luck in new life Muchael I wich you the best. I hope you find the right woman that you deserve.
    Congratulations I wish you the best.
    Elsa Rodriguez. From Orlando Fla.

    1. I’m just still trying to figure out, all these years how all of Michael’s fans are saying why doesn’t he leave Angela Deem, I’m not on either side, it just makes me wonder and question why didn’t he break up with her from the very beginning how everyone is saying oh she was abusive and so on and so forth That’s just the part I don’t understand ,why didn’t he just leave her , he still took in all the verbal abuse , if that’s what she was doing to him and then yet once he gets here in the states then, he leaves her, hours into being in the U.S. he could have broke it off when he was in his country.smh, Jasmine, same crying.bc of her kids. but yet she is still here. Sophia with Rob. back and fourth. knowing he was always going to be with other women. and still got married. how much more did Angela, Gino and Rob really get paid 🤔 . I stopped watching this show for quite sometime now. no longer made sense.

      1. on the last episode she said she was sinding him back. He could tolerate her before because he had his own home they didnt live together. The question should be why did she bring him here everything shes saying he did happened in Africa why bring him here and treat him like a slave?

      2. What would you in his situation? Something must’ve happened that made him run out. Did she even drive around looking for him?

  2. Good on you,I hope you find happiness in the States you deserve it after what you been through with that nut,Angela, WISHING YOU NOTHING BUT THE BEST

  3. although I wish nothing but the best for Michael; his intentions all along the way were to get to the States.. he said MANY TIMES (post Angela fights) how he needed to make up or it would greatly affect his dream of “getting to America”; NOT, it could affect my marriage and relationship to angela… BUT… Angela could have shut this down long ago; SHE was more concerned with bravo paycheck AND “CELEBRITY” status and had to remain relevant. I DON’T blame Michael; I probably would have sought out those who elevated me instead of abusing me. but, ultimately; fame and relevance outlived “love”. Angela is pissed that no matter what; SHE is financially responsible for Michael for 10 years!

  4. I think fans would love meet and greet or video messages. I’d worry about Angela showing up though? She’s is completely unhinged I would not be surprised one bit if she caused a scene and became violent towards him and any female fans that attended the events. Michael should get a restraining order now. There is plenty of proof that she is abusive in every way imaginable. Lucky for Michael that it is all recorded.

    1. Yes on all of her ugliness, and insisted she was right all the time he never showed an ugly side of himself and like Kobe said I’m sure he’s done wrong. Who hasn’t

    2. Michael wanted his marriage to work out but Angela got worse and worse. She bought a taser and tased him twice. In due time she would have killed him. She locked him in the house if she had to go out for any length of time and took his phone away from him too so he could not call anyone. And when she just ran down the road to buy cigarettes she forgot to lock him in. This was his only chance to get out and so he did. You ask why didn’t he leave before ,he didn’t feel he could. He knew no one, he had no phone, he had no money. If strangers had not come along and helped him, where would he have gone ? Thank them for letting him use their phone and he called someone in Texas to help him by wireing him a bus ticket. She kept him isolated. No money, no friends, no phone..

  5. He’s with a new family in Texas? How do you just get a new family? So he’s broke? Those shows pay pretty darn well because they are all union shows!

  6. I am very happy for Micheal I hope his manager convince him to speak on how being abuse verbal and physical effect him as a man and a person so other people that comes from other countries don’t feel they have to be subjected to any can of abuse and hope when he dies finally get his divorce from Angela Deem that she will have to pay him spousal support because she was did wrong and how would she feel if her daughters or grandchildren was being treated the way she was treating him

  7. Obviously he used her to get into the US. He should sent back to his country. it smells like fraud. He chose to stay with Angela after first disagreement and all the ones since. I have no sympathy for him. He needs to return to his country and get a job like a real man. Angela was too desperate for a man. I hope she gets help.

      1. Stop it ppl, evrybdy knw u dnt hav 2 b frm another country 2 b dragged thru the mud; he jst happened 2 b frm another country so get off dat issue, da issue here is she treated hm like shit let’s jst keep it real if she ddnt wnt hm why bring hm here she had evry opportunity 2 leav hm there but she ddnt so it goes 2 show she ddnt hav gud intentions frm da start & she continued 2 listen 2 her non man havin ass daughter who is 2 grown wit 2 many community dick baby daddies living wit ha mama. Maybe if you can get & keep your daughter out of your business you may be able to keep the next man but not wit your mouth or your attitude. Live your life now Michael wherever it may be & stay away frm Angela she’s not 4 you

  8. this iS stupid..they’re not famous actors just reality TV that require no talent, why do meet and greets? they really are every day people. I read career and thought he got an actual job. I do love that he got away from Angela cause she’s crazy and she didn’t trust him even after the detective didn’t find anything on him. even the detective said he wasn’t sure why she still treated him bad after nothing was found. he needed to get away from the abuse but obviously he wanted to come to America. he made that evident.

    1. I think it’s utterly sickening that a Nigerian can come over to the United States and literally be handed a job while some of us are struggling to save our homes and try to find a job with a masters degree. This is not right I can understand him getting away from Angela, but enough is enough. Let him find his own way in the United States. People born here are not handed jobs. They are not handed money simply because they had a bad marriage. Trust me I know.

  9. Does anyone not realize he took it so he could stay here in the US rather than be deported. He was a good little dog and did what she wanted only so he could run away and stay in the United States. Should come and drag his sorry you know what away and send it back to Nigeria.

  10. All the abuse he took from Angela no matter what he earned his way here(UNS),he is a good guy,so happy for him,Angela is a deamon,she will never find another Michael

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