Did ‘Big Brother’ Angela Just Confirm She Is A Decoy Player?

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Rumors have been swirling that Big Brother’s Angela Murray is a decoy player this season and is getting paid on the side. Now, Angela herself brought this up in the house. Keep reading to find out what Angela said and how fans are responding.

Big Brother hosts a decoy player?

There have been several questions this year about loud houseguest Angela Murray. After finding out this isn’t her first time on TV and seeing her over-the-top theatrics, fans started to question if she is actually playing the game. The alternative? Big Brother is paying her to stir the pot in the house. This all started when Angela had a major outburst on the staircase at the start of the show, claiming Matt had “crazy eyes.”

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Since then, she’s been caught trying to fake cry and lying dramatically on the floor in the diary room. Overall, everything she does just seems to be very fake and over-the-top. She’s either a plant or a very passionate player.

While these rumors have been flying on the outside, Angela actually brought this up herself on the inside. One fan took to X to share what they heard her say on the live feeds.

“angela: have you guys ever thought that there could be a decoy person in here that isn’t really part of the show? but is just *planted* here to “be a player” but they’re getting paid separately, they’re just in here,” the person shares on X. They continue to quote the rest of the conversation. “rubina: that’s not possible! angela: oh it’s possible! #BB26”

Fans freak out

Of course, fans instantly started responding freaking out that Angela was bringing up the exact same thing everyone is talking about on the outside.


Several others agree, going as far as to say it seems that Angela just confessed to being a plant in the house.

  • “I thought that about Angela from day one with all her staged outbursts.”
  • “Angela just confirmed to us that she is a plant #bb26”
  • “So she’s just basically confessing now, great”
  • “People still won’t believe it. I knew the second I saw her first fake-crying Dr. Phil monologue (before I even knew she’d done Dr. Phil and everything else)”

Do you think Angela is a real player in the Big Brother house? Or, is she a decoy player? Let us know what you think in the comments below. Come back to TV Show Ace for all the happenings inside the house all season long.

Haley Cook


  1. Well would make sense why big brother left her there after her disturbed bullying to Matt and when she called Lisa a twit, smh, horrible I DONT KNOW WHO SHE THINKS SHE IS, but other then being fake, obnoxiousx, rude, embarrassing, could go on forever but I won’t, she’s not worth anymore of my time

  2. i agree she could be a plant. I can’t understand how do many players seem to see how fake she is, but do everything by they can to keep her on. It sometimes seems like the entire thing is scripted, to a point, like WWE. While it’s understandable to vote out players you see might pose a challenge to their winning, for the most part, the players seem childish, throwing tantrums and whining about being “s#@+ on” because a perceived ally makes a play that makes sense for them rather than the whiner. All the while, that whiner ignores the number of times they have “stabbed an sky b in the back:” They seem to excuse their own behavior and not understand the others want that cash prize as much as they w4ant it. Only the first season I have ever watched (possibly the last), but my observations are many of the better players have already been evicted. Of those left, I have strong dislike for Angela, Chelsie and Quinn. They are, for me, the very least likeable.

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